Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

May your New Year ahead be filled with all the you heart desires. 

And remember, only YOU have the power to make that happen!

Blessings,                                                                                                                       Rosemary


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tis The Season

This is a Journal that was brought to my attention by Mary from :
I think it is truly a wonderful gift to anyone who visits it.  Please take the time to read this entry it will explain the concept of the journal:
Then visit "The Giving Tree" often and help if you can or ask for help if you need.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Moving Forward

Posting has been close to impossible, so has reading, or doing anything Internet related.  My sister is terminally ill and other then her near by relative is her daughter.  Unfortunately her son wound up in the hospital last week too. 

I will continue to post my blog when I can, but hope to resume a daily post shortly after the new year.


Friday, December 7, 2007

Fixed Is The Doom

Fixed Is The Doom
 by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Fixed is the doom; and to the last of years
Teacher and taught, friend, lover, parent, child,
Each walks, though near, yet separate; each beholds
His dear ones shine beyond him like the stars.
We also, love, forever dwell apart;
With cries approach, with cries behold the gulph,
The Unvaulted; as two great eagles that do wheel in air
Above a mountain, and with screams confer,
Far heard athwart the cedars.
Yet the years
Shall bring us ever nearer; day by day
Endearing, week by week, till death at last
Dissolve that long divorce. By faith we love,
Not knowledge; and by faith, though far removed,
Dwell as in perfect nearness, heart to heart.
We but excuse
Those things we merely are; and to our souls
A brave deception cherish.
So from unhappy war a man returns
Unfearing, or the seaman from the deep;
So from cool night and woodlands to a feast
May someone enter, and still breathe of dews,
And in her eyes still wear the dusky night.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I have hated those years when I waited till the very last moment to finish my wrapping.  I stay up late, wind up with a back ache and exhausted the next day, unable to enjoy the holiday.  The problem with wrapping is that usually the wrapping paper, scissors, tape, and bows are either in four different locations or buried so deep in a closet somewhere that you feel like Indiana Jones when you need to locate them.
Here is a tip to help you avoid this problem.
Many stores now carry "wrapping stations".  This is a tall container that will hold multiple rolls of paper, this is a must have at this time of year.  Place all of your holiday wrap inside. 
Get a small box that will hold scissors, tape, tags, and bows and put them all inside.  These supplies will be used only for wrapping.  (You may need to disguise the box. In my family these things go missing very easily when anyone but me knows where they are) 
Place your supplies in a place that is easily accessible.
Make a commitment to yourself to wrap each item as you purchase it, or at the very least, have a limit of how many items you will allow to go unwrapped.  For instance, once you have five gifts, wrap them!  If you make that commitment, when that sixth gift arrives the voice inside you will inspire you to remember your commitment and start wrapping. 
Good luck and best wishes on avoiding paper cuts!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Before Your Love

"Before Your Love"

Kelly Clarkson

I wonder how I ever made it through a day
How did I settle for the world in shades of gray
When you go in circles all the scenery looks the same
And you don't know why
And I looked into your eyes
Where the road stretched out in front of me
And I realized

I'd never lived
Before your love
I'd never felt
Before your touch
And I'd never needed anyone
To make me feel alive
But then again,
I wasn't really livin'

I'd never lived...
Before your love

I wanted more than just an ordinary life
All of my dreams, seemed like castles in the sky
I stand before you and my heart is in your hands
And I don't know how
I'd survive without your kiss
Cuz you've given me
A reason to exist

I'd never lived
Before your love
I'd never felt
Before your touch
I'd never needed anyone
To make me feel alive
But then again,
I wasn't really livin'

I'd never lived... before your love
I'd never lived... Before your love

And I don't know why
Why the sun decides to shine
But you've breathed your love into me just in time
I'd never lived
Before your love
I'd never felt
Before your touch
I'd never needed anyone
To make me feel alive
But then again
I wasn't really livin'

I'd never lived
I'd never lived

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Holiday Cards

Addressing and mailing holiday cards can become an overwhelming task. 
Here is an idea that has helped me over the years.
When writing out holiday cards the thing that takes the most time is addressing the envelopes.  If you have a database allow your computer to print out labels.  If not set some time aside to address them.  It is basically a mindless task and you can even do it while you are watching TV, 
DO NOT FILL OUT THE CARDS!  Just address the envelopes.
Typically there are three different types of people we send cards to.  As you are addressing your envelopes separate the envelopes into three piles as follows:
Type 1
People we see all the time and just want to let them know we are thinking about them. 
A signature inside the card is usually a sufficient closing for this type of card.
Type 2
The people we see once or twice a year and enjoy this time of year as yet another way to keep in touch.
We might want to write a short note or update on recent events.
Type 3
The type of people who we hold on to but never get to see or talk to.  They are important to us.  So much so that the card we send once a year is all we need to know that they are still out there.  This card often requires a paragraph or two.
When you have finished addressing the envelopes, if there is time, start filling out the cards.  When you run out of time put a rubber band around each pile.  Find a small shopping bag, I like to use the small paper kind with a handle on them.  Put one pile of envelopes, their matching cards, stamps, a pen and return address labels into it and put it in your car. 
As you go about your day when you know you are going to be in a situation where you will be waiting, bring the bag with you and start filling out the cards, putting them in the envelope and stamping them.  You can choose to mail them as you go, or wait till you have the whole batch done.
I like to get the easy ones out first and I mail them as they are finished.  This makes it seem like there is less and less to do each day.
Here are some hints for places you may be caught "waiting".
In the car for your kids to come out of school.  At the Doctors office.  At your child's holiday concert.  Breaks at work.  Before meetings.  On the bus or the train.  The list is endless. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Don't See Red

Holiday Hint:

Don't See Red

This is he time of year that businesses go into the black while the consumer goes into the red.  The most common cause for this is the use of a credit card without tracking purchases.
The best way to avoid overspending is to start with a plan.  Know ahead of time how much money you can afford to spend on purchases.  Budget by creating a list of those you wish to give a gift to and how much you are able to spend on each person.  Then stick to it!  If you only allow yourself to use cash you will be less likely to over spend.
If using cash is impossible and you must use a credit card, track your spending each shopping trip to make certain you stay on budget and hold onto your receipts.  If you overspend and you know you can't afford it, tracking your purchases each shopping trip will call this to your attention allowing you the opportunity to exchange your purchase for one that is more affordable.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

In case you were wondering

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I had planned on letting you know on Monday that I was going to take a week off for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately my day got away from me.  It started with three hours in the Doctors office and went down hill from there.  The good news is I'm going to live.  The bad news is that I was unable to provide news of my "vacation".
The holiday season is upon us so over the next few weeks I will offer some suggestions on how you can help the days ahead go more smoothly and be less stressful.
Hint:  The people that love you, LOVE YOU.  Give them the gift of your time.

Friday, November 16, 2007

If someone speaks ill of You


If anyone speaks ill of you,

Praise him always.


If anyone injures you,

Serve him nicely.


If anyone persecutes you,

Help him in all possible ways.


You will attain immense strength.


You will control anger and pride.


You will enjoy peace, poise and serenity.


You will become divine




-         Swami Sivananda



Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Gift To Yourself

With the season of giving upon us, consider giving yourself this very special gift.
Hate, anger and vengeful thoughts serve us well in that they protect us from getting hurt again, however they can also kill us.  Holding on to the anger may seem like you are protecting yourself and hurting the person or people you are angry with.  The truth is the one you are hurting is yourself and your loved ones.
Learning to forgive will help you live longer and be healthier.  There are proven studies that show you not only benefit from increased good health, you reduce your levels of stress, boost your immune system and have a larger circle of friends.
Forgiveness doesn't mean you need to be friends with someone you despise nor does it mean you give up your right to seek justice.  Forgiveness means that you let go of the bitterness, anger and vengeful thoughts.  You put it behind you, learn from the experience and move forward.
A wonderful method of learning to do this is called the Sedona Method.  You can learn about it here:


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Forgiveness Myths

I would like to share some Myths about forgiveness. 
Here are 4 myths about forgiving   what it does and doesn't mean. These come from Ladies Home Journal:

Myth #1:Forgiving means forgetting. WRONG. You have to remember so you can protect yourself in the future. But it does mean changing your perception. If someone doesn't return an important call, view him as overwhelmed instead of rude.

Myth #2:Forgiving means you're a push-over. WRONG. Forgiveness puts you in a position of strength. You still hold people accountable for their actions, but you take away their power to hurt you anymore.

Myth #3:Forgiving means you can't get angry. WRONG. By forgiving, you acknowledge that you don't have to suffer forever, but you're still entitled to your anger, and you're not weak for showing it.

MYTH #4:Forgiveness means reconciliation. WRONG. Reconciliation may be inappropriate, because sometimes you have to give up a friendship, or even a marriage. However, forgiveness gives you the space, strength and confidence to decide what's best for you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


With the holidays coming, most especially Thanksgiving, I thought it might be a good time to focus on forgiveness.
Forgiveness comes easily to some and for others it seems like an impossible task.  Forgiveness is a very personal business.
What hurt, pain, or injustice are you holding on to?  Why are you holding on to it?  Take sometime to explore it. 
Tomorrow I will offer some thoughts to help you decide if it is something you may consider forgiving.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Veterans Day

My heartfelt thanks go out to all of those who have defended my freedom and who continue to do so.  Thank You for all you do so that we may continue to enjoy the bounty that this great nation allows.

You are always in my prayers

Friday, November 9, 2007

Wild Nights!

Wild Nights! Wild Nights!

Poem lyrics of Wild Nights! Wild Nights! by Emily Dickinson.

Wild Nights! Wild Nights!
Were I with thee,
Wild Nights should be
Our luxury!

Futile the winds
To a heart in port,
Done with the compass,
Done with the chart!

Rowing in Eden! 
Ah! the sea!
Might I but moor
To-night in Thee!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Coaching Question

What ONE change you can make in your lifestyle that will begin to propel you toward the life you dream of?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Coaching Question

What are you doing today, to make your dream happen tomorrow?

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Horny and Lazy Win!

Well, polls and e-mails all tallied up it seems most of us will be going to hell because we are horny and lazy. Not so bad, not so bad at all!

Also, sorry about the post yesterday.  It seems when you copy and past a document from Microsoft Word, into AOL Journals you get the lovely little alphabet salad that manifested itself in my poem yesterday.  I even tried to fool the system by copying the poem out of word, pasting it into a AOL e-mail, mailed it to myself, then copy and pasted the e-mail into the journal.  Nope, still got alphabet salad anyway!

Have a great weekend.  See you on Monday!

Friday, November 2, 2007



.....and then I asked him with my eyes

and then he asked me would I yes.....

and first I put my arms around him yes

and drew him down to me

to ask again yes

so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes

and his heart was going like mad

and yes I said yes I will Yes.


         James Joyce

         From Ulysses

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Comfort VS Confront

The other day I was working with my daughter on her vocabulary words and she was having a difficult time understanding the difference between the word Confront and Comfort.  At first I thought it odd that someone would have a hard time understanding how different these two words are.
As I began to explain their meaning to her I realized that there are many people who have a hard time understanding the difference between these two words.
Think about your fear.  What are you doing about it?
Are you comforting it or confronting it?
Are you making excuses or solutions?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


 Over the weekend I was contemplating topics for the upcoming weeks and came across this web site.  I was doing some personal writing when I got to thinking about the seven deadly sins.  I did a quick web search to see what might pop up and "POOF" this web site appeared.  Seven Deadly Sins Quiz
I decided I had to share it with you.  I am fairly certain it's authors believe it to be purely for entertainment purposes only.  And, it is QUITE entertaining!
Why don't you give it a try, then come back here and chime in on why you will be joining me in hell.  Just click on your favorite sin in the poll below, and don't worry, your answers are completely anonymous!

I thought I would share my results with you so you will know if I will be a neighbor or not:
Your sin has been measured. You have committed many sins, but Lust is the mortal sin that has done you in. Just below, discover your full sinful breakdown and learn what it is about you that codemns you to hell.
Greed: Low
Gluttony: Medium
Wrath: Very Low
Sloth: Medium
Envy: Medium
Lust: Very High
Pride: Low

What is keeping you from moving forward.  From taking that first step?  From having that life you know you deserve?

This says it all!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Far Away Lover

Far Away Lover

by Cathy Rapicano


It avails you not, to think upon distance

nor the might of the realm of space -

for that is all it can ever be,

this great thing that now separates -

and you and I, we are so much more

while urging hearts to a faster pace.

I think upon you, and though feel as I do

the need to race and linger

at your side,

I give to this no never mind.

For you are contained within the ocean of my heart,

and will never go out with the tide.



For more of Cathy's poetry you may visit her journal at:

Thursday, October 25, 2007


This is me before

When you want to stay inspired, visualization is aided by reminders.  Put up pictures of the goals you are working towards.  You can also place inspiring quotes everywhere you will see them. If you have a special house in mind, put pictures of it everywhere.  If you want a specific job, find pictures or phrases that will remind you of what you are working towards.  Let me give you a personal example:
I was always slightly over weight, but after having kids I really let myself go.  I needed to loose about 50 pounds.  Now I know that doesn't sound like a lot, however I am only five feet tall.  I needed to drop, at the very least, four pants sizes.  I always struggled with my weight and was unsure if I could succeed.  I desperately wanted to have a better figure and be healthy.  I read and learned everything I could about how to loose weight and tone up.  I imagined the clothes I could wear and how good I would look and feel. Then I took it one step further.  I put pictures of models everywhere.  On my desk, in my medicine cabinet, on my refrigerator.  Anywhere and everywhere I could think of.  I wanted and needed to be constantly reminded of what it was I was working towards.  And, it happened!  Not only did I loose all of my wight, I got in better shape then I had ever been in in my life!  As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be able to fit into my wedding dress today as it would be too big!
This is me after:

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Write It Down

You know what you want and you can see yourself doing it.  Write it down.  Remember the pen is mighty!  Make a commitment and put it down on paper.  Write up a game plan and include dates and deadlines!
The written word has power.  It concretizes our plans, gives a form of accountability, and furthers our belief in ourself and our desire.
Back to the house example:  Write down what it looks like.  How much do you want to spend?  How much money do you need to put down as a down payment? Where is the house?  How big is the yard.
You get the idea.  Write it down and put it somewhere you can see it and refer to it often.  You may decide you need to change it, or your picture may get more clear and detailed.  Either way, make the appropriate changes.  Imagine your delight when you are handed the keys to your new house and look back at the paper and realize you created your desire into fruition. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


What inspires us is very personal.  Visualization is one of the master keys to success.  Whatever you want to do, success is aided by being able to see yourself as successful. 
Visualization when done properly will allow your body to believe that it is actually experiencing what it is you desire.  Find a quiet spot where you can sit or lie down and be uninterrupted.  You can even do this in bed before you go to sleep, or before you get out of bed in the morning.  Get yourself into a comfortable position and experience the show!  Your desires should come to life.  If you do this exercise properly you will be able to feel, smell and taste what it is your are visualizing.
For example, lets say you would like a new house. As you visualize imagine how many rooms it has, how many bathrooms, what color are the walls, what is the house built out of, how many steps go up to the front door, is there a back porch?  Feel yourself walking up to the house, reach out and grab the brass door knob, feel its coolness as you turn the handle to open the door.  Step through the door, is someone baking in the kitchen?  Can you smell cleaning products as if the house has just been cleaned or are the fresh cut flowers on the dining room table?
See, Feel, Taste, Touch, Believe, Experience.  This exercise will hasten the fulfillment of your desires.  Repeating this exercise often will help your mind and the universe connect and fulfill your desire.

Monday, October 22, 2007

World Domination

I want to take Inspiration one more week before touching upon relationships.
I was thinking about world peace today.  REALLY I WAS!!!  I think about it a lot.  I can't wait for it to happen.  I know it will, but we have to stop all this anti-war protests and listen to what Mother Theresa said.  She once said "I will never go to an anti-war rally, when you throw a PEACE rally, invite me to that!"
Mother Theresa knew the secret.  The more you focus on war, the more war will happen.  The more you focus on peace, the more peace will happen.
This is quantum physics stuff people.  You create what you think about.  Think PEACE!
Then I got to thinking, hmmmm think think think.  I began to imagine the best way to peace is through world domination!  Oh and it was good.  I put together a group of people who I truly believe could collectively cure all the worlds problems by just being who they are.
Here is my list.
She runs a house, home schools, is an incredible cook (I'm taking her word for it) and is a comedian to boot! (Plus she has really good taste in home furnishings) Not only could she rule the world, she could feed it and, it would be elegantly appointed as well!   Why not rule the world?
She is super smart, can explain the stars, is joyous even in spite of that which ails her, has a wonderful sense of humor and is very wise.  Wise is a definite must in world domination.
She manages to run a family, a business, a job, and keep a damn fine house on top of two blogs and writing a novel. (she is keeping the novel close to her chest, won't even hint to a genre.  I'm guessing it is best seller material)  I think she is a shoe in for the world domination team. 
Mary: I wrote about her previously. Check out
Mary would be our muscle ensuring that all of pay heed to the needs of others.  (sorry no picture)
Donna:   (She is the hot red head above) OH, she is a good one to have in a fox hole and other places! (You're gunna have to trust me on this one)  Donna can win her way into just about anyone's heart, and if not she can turn them into a toad. (I'm making up the toad part, cuz I know for sure there would be a few more toads in the world if she could actually do that) 
Kathi: (She's the beautiful girl with black hair and kick ass smile.)  Kathi would be our resident rebel.  She is able to see everyone's point of view.  Then make them wonder why they have that point of view.  A definite must have for world domination.
Malinda: (She is the elegant Brunette.)  She has a photographic memory.  She is a single mother who is an amazing inspiration to anyone who has the good fortune to know her.  Don't get into an argument with her.  You will just have to put down your weapon and walk away.  Plus she has no tolerance for whining.
Sally: (She is feisty cute curly haired brunette.)  Ahhh Sally.  Sally is the secret weapon.  Sally is love, humor and a shoulder to cry on.  Sally has a wildly fun imagination that she acts upon and insists you do to.  You never walk away from Sally without saying "Damn that was fun!" Oh and by the way, she will insist you EAT!  (She is an incredible cook as well and makes world class sausage bread)
Emily is a force unto herself.  When she was in kindergarten her principle used to call her the mayor.  When she was in third grade she was late for school 3 out of 5 days a week. (she rides the bus!!!)  When I asked her how it could be she was late for school each day she replied with a sigh "It's the teachers fault.  My class is at the end of the hall and all the teachers make me stop and talk to them on my way down to my class room!"  If we don't act on this world domination idea quickly I am certain Emily will!
Ok that is my list of who should rule the world  Yes they are all women.  I do have two men I would like to add to the mix. 
The first would be my son Ritchie:
I mentioned Ritchie in a previous journal entry on October 15th.  Ritchie gets to be added to this prestigious list because somehow, in his presence it is nearly impossible to stay mad at anyone.  If you can't stay mad then peace is imminent.
The other man?  I prefer to leave this one as a mystery.  Let's call him the Unknown Soldier.
So there you have it folks, my leadership team for world domination.  I believeit we put this group in charge of the world, everyone would have a full stomach, a nice bed, great health care and time to enjoy life and love.  There would be no whining and everyone would do their share to promote the common good.
I think each of us has a list of people that we know would make the world a better place. People who inspire you.  Celebrate those people in your life.
So there you have it folks

Saturday, October 20, 2007


House work can be tedious and time consuming.  I found this gem that I thought I would share with you.  The link below shows you how to fold a T-Shirt in 2 seconds and explains it to you!  Now you can breeze through laundry and have more time to journal!

How to fold a T-Shirt in 2 seconds

You may also want to try some of their other "How To" videos.  (If you don't learn anything you will at least have a good laugh!)

How to Avoid pulling a Brittany Spears

For my guys friends How to Hide and Unwanted Erection

If you can't hide said erection:

How to be the Perfect Girlfriend

How to be the Perfect Boyfriend

A Girls Guide to Looking Good Naked

How to Fight a Duel

How to do a Strip Tease

And, something we all need to learn, How to Give a Homie Handshake

Friday, October 19, 2007

Poetry Day

Aedh Wishes For The Cloths Of Heaven

Butler Yeats.


Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Something about Mary

I have never met Mary, yet she is truly inspirational.  I know Mary only through her journal and e-mails.  Yet when she shares her stories we get a glimpse into an incredible soul that inspires one to relish life.
Mary has a gifted way of explaining how important it is to cherish the time we have now with our loved ones; and to always, always remember that each one of us has a human dignity that needs to be acknowledged and cared for, at every stage of life.
Mary's gift to us is sharing her life with us.  She doesn't preach, she shares with us her life as it unfolds before her and adds her commentary.  She allows us into her private world as she lovingly cares for her ailing father.  She introduces us to various others as she visits, and in doing so, gives us glimpses into our own souls and challenges us to change, to make a difference in others lives and in the world.
Mary is inspiration in action.
I do hope you check out her journal.  Here's the link:

See what's new at and Make AOL Your

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

78 Years Of Inspiration!

78 Years Of Inspiration!

I work in an office with three women.  Well actually two of us work and one of them (my boss) plays games on her computer most of the day.  Our office is incredibly busy with enough work for four people.  We however make due with two.

One day a week, Tuesdays to be exact, Eleanor volunteers her time and comes in to help us.  Eleanor is 78 years old and was a clerk before she retired.  We do everything on the computer, however we are required to back up everything we do on paper incase (god forbid) the computers crash.  We have over 5000 students in our data base and each one requires a 5x7 index card holding all of their information.  These cards need to be printed out when a new student enrolls and then updated each year with each students class and sacrament information.  Eleanor checks each card after its printed to make certain the computer information matches the application information.  When all of the information is correct she then notes on each child's card what class they attended and if they are active.  This numbers about 2200 cards. Additionally she notes every Confirmation, First Communion, and First Reconciliation which number about 600 a year.
Yesterday, Eleanor came across a card of child who was placed in the sixth grade.  She brought the card to my attention and told me that this particular child had received Confirmation about 3 years ago and should be aged out of our program.  I looked at her in disbelief but I have learned never to second guess her.  I went into our archives and sure enough I found that the child had indeed received Confirmation three years ago!  Some how the card had accidentally been printed and the child placed in the wrong file.  Amazing, huh? She handles over 5000 records a year!  Yet, she was able to remember a single child.  I say again, Amazing, huh?  Inspirational, YES!
Here is a woman who comes in once a week, she is 78 years old, and she is still at the top of her game!  Now that inspires me!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It's Also good Receive!

It's Also Good Receive!
Do you have someone in your life who you love to give things too?  You know the kind.  When you give them a gift they absolutely exude uncontainable excitement.  They are visibly grateful and their exuberance pours out of them.  These are the types of people who you just can't wait to go out and get something else to give them.  Why?  Because they make YOU feel good!
As important as it is to give, it is also important to know how to receive.  Always giving and never receiving robs others of being able to give the gift of giving as well.  Allow others to give to you and to be there for you.  Being a martyr serves no one but yourself and can be very draining on those that love you.   Don't feel guilty when others tend to your needs.  Instead, remember that you have the power to make them feel wonderful by being thankful and exuberant about their gift!

Monday, October 15, 2007

An Inspirational Child


An inspirational child
When my oldest two children were in grammar school, I was the crossing guard at the school they attended.  This worked out well for all concerned for a variety of reasons.  Most of all I knew almost all the kids and parents that were in my children's grades. 
This didn't always work out well for my boys.  Often there were times when one of their "friends" would run to my corner as soon as school would let out.  They would inevitably have some bit of juicy gossip involving one or both of my children.  Needless to say it was nearly impossible for my kids to get away with anything.
One afternoon my youngest son's third grade teacher was walking towards me.  His teacher and I are very good friend's so I notice that she look very serious.  I immediately try to imagine what kind of sticky situation Ritchie had gotten himself into now.
Now Ritchie is a dream child, he is a lover, not a fighter.   When he used to get into trouble, it was always because he was just looking for a little bit of fun, not because he had malicious intent.  He was also a child who was impossible to get mad at.  As soon as you reprimanded him, he was immediately contrite and quick to offer restitution.  I was guessing what ever mess he had gotten into  he would probably have to stay late to clean up.
I couldn't have been more wrong.  When his teacher reached me she said "Rosemary, I just had to come out to tell you what Ritchie did.  I couldn't believe it!  I had to step out of the room because I started to cry."
"OH GOD! What did he do!" I said with horror.
"Oh, Rosemary, it was the sweetest thing I have ever seen!  Our book order came in today and a number of the boys ordered a book about Aliens, Ritchie included.  The book came with a little rubber alien attached to it and all the boys were so excited about it, most especially Ritchie.  (Ritchie always knew how to take pleasure in the simple things)  Well at the end of the day one of the boys aliens were missing.  The whole class helped look for it.  We looked everywhere!  It was no where to be found and the boy who lost his alien started crying.  Just then, Ritchie walked over to the boy and gave him HIS alien!  I couldn't believe it.  I knew how much Ritchie loved his, and he just gave it to the boy and walked away!  That was the sweetest thing I have ever seen!"
His gift came with now stings attached.  He knew from his heart how to heal someone.  He is 19 years old now.  He is one of the most amazing people I know.  
Ritchie is a very giving person.  I am so blessed that he is my son.  I continue to learn from him and how to be giving.  He is a constant reminder to me to keep in mind, it is better to give then to receive. 
His gift came with now stings attached.  He knew from his heart how to heal someone.  He is 19 years old now.  He is one of the most amazing people I know.  
Ritchie on his 19th Birthday in August.  He is also a comedian!

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Every sixty seconds  you spend  upset  is a minute of happiness you'll never get back ..

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Abou Ben Adhem

Abou Ben Adhem

by Leigh Hunt.

Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!)
Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,
And saw, within the moonAbou Ben Adhemlight of his room,
Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom,
An angel writing in a book of gold:-
Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold,
And to the presence in the room he said,
'What writest thou?' - The vision raised its head,
And with a look made of all sweet accord,
Answered 'The names of those who love the Lord.'
'And is mine one?' said Abou. 'Nay, not so,'
Replied the angel. Abou spoke more low,
But cheerly still; and said 'I pray thee then,
Write me as one that loves his fellow-men.'

The angel wrote, and vanished. The next night
It came again with a great wakening light,
And showed the names who love of God had blessed,
And lo! Ben Adhem's name led all the rest.


An Inspiring Story

 I thought I would share an inspiring story from my life. 
A personal story.
I grew up in an unusual situation.  My father was a private chauffeur and his job required him to move two times a year.  Because of this I would have to start school in New York, then in November move to Florida and go to school there untill around April.  In April I would have to move back north again and finish out my year in New York.
Additionally I was not socialized properly as a child as my parents were 42 and 45 when they had me.  My siblings and cousins were all grown adults by the time I was ready to start playing, this meant there were no children my age for me to play with.  This situation made it nearly impossible to develop friendships and more often then not made me the brunt of brutal teasing paired with the occasional beating.  To make the situation worse, if that is possible, I was the smallest child in my class.
I attended Catholic school for the entire 12 years of school.  For some strange reason my Catholic school experience didn't mimic many of the horror stories I am sure you have heard.  Oh, the children were horrible, but the teachers were wonderful.  My favorite class was religion, and again,  for whatever reason, I didn't have the horrible experience that most do when they learn about the Catholic faith.  For me, in those classes, I found friends.   The bible is filled with stories of people facing challenge after challenge in horrible situations and yet they succeed.  
I learned about this man Jesus who hung out with a bunch of fisherman and partied a lot.  He taught people how to treat one another.  He said the most important thing was love, paired with forgiveness.   I bought into this whole story hook, line and sinker. (Forgive the fishing pun)
One of the lines that suck out in my mind was the quote "If someone slaps you, turn the other cheek."  Now this is a very upsetting statement in any day and age, but to me it made sense if you were going to believe what Jesus said.  As an adult I can explain this statement to you in a way you would understand and in a way that may make sense to you..  I can also tell you the origins of the story and what the hidden meanings are.  This isn't a religion lesson or spiritual lecture and not the focus of this story.
This story however, is simply about that one quote, take literally.
As a child I never fought back.  I always took the teasing, or the beating and responded with kindness.  In the long run, it paid off in many ways.  Even as a child I was able to see why this was good advice. I have quite a few stories of how this worked for me as a child.  As I grew into adulthood, it became more difficult a lesson to follow, (the ego grows as we do) but I did try to continue.  As an adult,  one time in particular, following the advise "turn the other cheek", really became a gift.
Back in the 80's I worked in a small international airport for a major car rental company.  Our rental desk was circular with our rental company facing the back of the airport, and the competition's agency facing the front.  Each day I came to work I would have to pass the other company's desk to get to my side.  While the companies were each others competition, we employees were friends and always cordial to one another.  However, there was one girl who worked on our competition side who was particularly unpleasant to me.
Each morning she would make certain to give me an out right sneer, especially if she were alone.  If there were others at the desk there would be more of a show.  On these occasions she would sneer first, then with theatrical proportionate movement, start whispering behind her hand while looking right at me.  She wanted to make it clearly evident that she was talking about me and that it wasn't nice.  This became a daily routine.
Months went by when one afternoon I went out to my car and found the girl stranded by hers.  She looked upset.  I put my stuff in my car and walked over to her. 
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"My car won't start" she replied.
"Do you know what's wrong?" I inquired.
She answered "I think its out  of gas."
"Can I take a look?" I said tentatively.
"Sure" she quipped.
After a quick look I said "I will be back in 15 minutes.  I know someone who lives about a half mile from here.  I'm going to go grab their gas tank and be back."
She looked at me dumbfounded and said "OK".
Now, I know you must be thinking, we are at an airport, there must be a dozen or so other people who could have helped her!  Well, there may have been one or two, but they would have been hard to find and the whole process would have taken her at least an hour.  This was a very small, and usually deserted airport even well into the 90's. (Boy could I tell you airport stories that would curl you national security toes!)  So I run off, get the gas and put some in her tank for her.  She gets in and try's the ignition.  The car still won't start.  Luckily, back then, I knew a thing or two about cars and had reserved a bit of gas for the carburetor.  I poured some gas into the carburetor and told her to give it another shot.  Still no response from the engine.  I went to my car and got a pencil. I shoved the pencil in the carburetor and I told her to try again.  Vrooooommmm!  It started right up.
With that the girl got out of her car and said "Why did you do that?"
HUH? I mumbled.
"Why did you do that?" she asked again.
"Oh, I said, the carburetor needed more are to get the gas to the engine and the pencil held it open and to allow the air flow." I explained
"No.  Why did you help me?" she clarified herself a bit incredulously.
"Oh, well, ummm, you were stuck and needed help." I explained a bit puzzled.
With complete disbelief and a hint of defensiveness she said "But I have never been anything but nasty to you, why would you do this for me?"
I looked her in the eye and said, "I know.  But, you needed help.  There is no one else here who can help you.  I was not going to leave you stranded for hours awaiting help when it would take me all of 20 minutes to help you.  You needed help, so I helped you."
"Thank You" she said. "I can't believe that you would do this for me after how I have treated you. Thank You very much." and she smiled at me and got in her car.
"Your Welcome" I said, and I smiled at her and got in my car.
Work was very different after that.  We never became friends, but she was always cordial and polite after that.  I believe something changed in her that day.  I believe she learned something about kindness and people that she never knew before.
The gift for me was being able to be an instrument in her learning that kindness exists.  The gift is that and God, the universe, or whatever you want to call it, allowed me to witness it.
Kindness.  It is mightier then the sword and when used.   You have know idea what changes you can make in the world when you choose kindness as a response.