Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I thought with the kids back in school and everyone getting back to a regular routine it would be a good time to talk about kids.
Throughout the years I have often been asked what mistake parents make most often, my answer:
Parents forget they are raising adults, not children.
If you treat a child like a child, he/she will grow up to act like a child. If you raise your child to learn how to respond to various situations in an age appropriate way, they will grow to learn how good decisions are made.
For example, I know quite a few people who do not believe in giving their children chores. Their reasoning behind this is that they feel it robs them of their childhood. Chores are a wonderful way of helping a child feel needed and part of the family. In addition it teaches them responsibility and gives them a sense of accomplishment. Chores help children grow into mature responsible adults.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly!
The Yellow Garden Spider aka Argiope aurantia
Some things are exactly what they look like! Had I seen this I might not have been so anxious to retrieve the basil from my garden. This spider was almost two inches big, the picture is almost life size. When I saw my had had been right nest to it I did say "EEEEKKKK".
Sometimes not knowing what is coming is OK. This spider is harmless and only bites if provoked. So even though danger seemed to be lurking, it was only my perception and not a reality. Again I quote Aristotle:
To perceive is to suffer. ~Aristotle
I actually think spiders are really cool, they are just scary when they creep up on me.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Barbequed Kitty
To perceive is to suffer. ~Aristotle
Looking out the window with mild concern on his face my husband inquires "Is the Barbeque still on?"
"Nope, turned it off" I replied.
"That's good, look out the window"
Kitty was just enjoying the remnants of steak left on the grill. Her name is Mistoffelees.(Misty for short) No animals were harmed in the production of this journal entry.
As we all know Aristotle was a genius. Not everything looks like what it seems. Not everyone has the same perspective. Take time to investigate your perspective and listen to others as well. You will be richly rewarded.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Without Warning
Without warning
as a whirlwind
swoops on an oak
Love shakes my heart
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Please excuse my lack of a blog for today. My computer got a nasty virus and I had to help it barf out all the junk and restore it to is original factory setting. Next I got to spend time reacquainting it with my desires. Me thinks the computer is a male!
See you tomorrow! (hopefully)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Witch and St. Anthony
We have been dealing with some very serious matters. I would like to lighten it up a bit...
Here is a story about a Witch (me, I fancy myself a witch) and St. Anthony.
The other day my daughter and I went to the mall.
I got in my car
It has a cute Bumper Sticker
This is my key chain
I went to the mall to buy this
and these
While I was buying the above, I took out my keys to prepare my walk to the car. The cashier handed me my bag, and off I went. As I was walking out of
when I bought the glasses I passed a card store.
It had a wonderful Halloween display.
That is where I saw this. It begged me to buy it.
so I bought it. Then I went to grab the keys.
GONE! So, I went back to Macy's, then back to the card store then back to Macy's and then back to the card store then back to Macy's. Ok I am sure you have the idea.
At Macy's they kept telling me to go to lost and found. I thought they were nuts. I only lost the keys 15 min. before. But, alas, a prayer to St. Anthony and a trip to the Lost and Found, produced the keys! The person standing next to me when I bought the glasses took my keys thinking they were theirs! They were nice enough to return them.
So Yes, a Witch can pray to a Saint and have a prayer answered.
Thank you Saint Anthony!
Septemeber 11, 2001
Monday, September 10, 2007
Dealing with Prejudiced People
Saturday, September 8, 2007
The Offended
Today we will discuss dealing with judgmental people who believe they are being offended.
Here is a recap of that group: The offended: This type of person is jealous or they take personal offense to whatever behavior they are judging you for. They tend to either shun you or talk behind your back
Friday, September 7, 2007
Down Wonton Down!
Me thinks the man in this poem begs part of his body to be more judgmental.
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Thursday, September 6, 2007
The Judgmentally Reformed
Dealing With The Judgmentally Reformed
These are the people who frown upon your behavior because they no longer engage in said behavior. These types of people could be reformed alcoholics, drug users, smokers, over eaters, workaholics, etc. They get preachy and will use whatever method necessary to get you to listen to them. They and can get overly demonstrative in their zeal to convert you to their beliefs and they may also resort to embarrassing you in public.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
You've Got a Hold On Me!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Dealing with the "Holier Then Thou"
Dealing with the "Holier Then Thou" folks
Today we continue our discussion on how to deal with Judgmental people. Here is a brief recap of this group.
The "Holier Then Thou: These are the people who truly believe they are better then everyone else. These are the people who know the rules forwards and backwards. They believe they follow the rules to the letter and that everyone else should do the same, with no exceptions. They know the right way to do everything, and they also believe it is the only way to do everything. It works for them so it should work the same for everyone else. These people present themselves as caring. They believe that what they are doing or saying is for your own good. They honestly believe that what they are doing or saying is important and that you will thank them later for saving you from yourself.
In my opinion this group is the most difficult to deal with. These people usually are our bosses, parents, clergy, or some other authority figure. They also show up in coworkers who want to be boss, neighbors or relatives who are your age or older. They tend to be on a power trip and depend on their authority to inflate their self esteem. Generally they tend to have very few friends. They almost always blame someone else for anything that goes wrong with them and typically have a persecution complex paired with paranoia.
Handling these types of people depends on what type of authority they actually hold.
If the judgmental person holds a power position that could end you up in jail or without a job, you must be very careful. Dealing with these people is an art form. I work with a woman who is a master! I have learned a lot from her.
The first key is respecting their authority. You do not have to respect the person to respect the authority they hold. It does take swallowing just a bit of pride. I know this can be difficult, but if you keep in mind that there are others in a higher position the the person you are dealing with, that you can appeal to, then with practice, you will be able to keep patient.
Here are a few tips.
~ Appeal to their lack of self esteem by acknowledging their authority. For instance, lets say you have a boss who makes your life a living hell. They know the rules, they enforce the rules, they follow the rules. (or at least they think they do) If you acknowledge their efforts, and make them feel good about themselves, your life will be much easier. If they feel like they are respected, they will at the very least attempt to treat you with respect in return.
Now, I know what follows may seem like "brown nosing" or "kissing up" but there is a big difference. When you acknowledge their efforts and praise their efficiency, or what ever redeeming quality they have, it MUST be sincere! Otherwise, said authority figure, will see through your bull S*&#.
If you remember that these poor individuals are suffering from a horrible case of poor self esteem you will be able to keep all of this in perspective.
~ Request guidance. If your boss asks you to do something a certain way, gives you a project, or implements a new rule, clarify it. Ask for details, go over the information, ask questions about what is required. This will show your boss that you are anxious to learn what knowledge they have and that you are doing your best to fulfill their wishes. It also puts the burden of responsibility on your boss if anything goes wrong.
~ If you come up with a good idea, let them think it was theirs! Now I can you hear boiling right now. BREATH! You are NOT selling yourself out to the "man", you are simply doing what you are paid to do, Make the boss look good. HOWEVER... the boss, has a boss, and incompetence doesn't take long to manifest itself to the powers that be. Eventually, the powers that be will know who has been making things run.
Here are two quotes that have helped me learn to keep a clear head when dealing with authority.
(I have a REAL problem with authority by the way)
Stupidity is what gets us in trouble, Pride is what keeps us there.
~Mark Twain
If you sit by the mouth of the river long enough, the heads of your enemies will soon go floating by.
~ Ancient Chinese Proverb.
Enough for today! Tomorrow we will cover how to handle the judgmental offender who is simply someone who has some sort of emotional or geographical hold on you, this solution is somewhat easier, but requires you to "grow a set."