Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

May your New Year ahead be filled with all the you heart desires. 

And remember, only YOU have the power to make that happen!

Blessings,                                                                                                                       Rosemary


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tis The Season

This is a Journal that was brought to my attention by Mary from :
I think it is truly a wonderful gift to anyone who visits it.  Please take the time to read this entry it will explain the concept of the journal:
Then visit "The Giving Tree" often and help if you can or ask for help if you need.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Moving Forward

Posting has been close to impossible, so has reading, or doing anything Internet related.  My sister is terminally ill and other then her near by relative is her daughter.  Unfortunately her son wound up in the hospital last week too. 

I will continue to post my blog when I can, but hope to resume a daily post shortly after the new year.


Friday, December 7, 2007

Fixed Is The Doom

Fixed Is The Doom
 by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Fixed is the doom; and to the last of years
Teacher and taught, friend, lover, parent, child,
Each walks, though near, yet separate; each beholds
His dear ones shine beyond him like the stars.
We also, love, forever dwell apart;
With cries approach, with cries behold the gulph,
The Unvaulted; as two great eagles that do wheel in air
Above a mountain, and with screams confer,
Far heard athwart the cedars.
Yet the years
Shall bring us ever nearer; day by day
Endearing, week by week, till death at last
Dissolve that long divorce. By faith we love,
Not knowledge; and by faith, though far removed,
Dwell as in perfect nearness, heart to heart.
We but excuse
Those things we merely are; and to our souls
A brave deception cherish.
So from unhappy war a man returns
Unfearing, or the seaman from the deep;
So from cool night and woodlands to a feast
May someone enter, and still breathe of dews,
And in her eyes still wear the dusky night.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I have hated those years when I waited till the very last moment to finish my wrapping.  I stay up late, wind up with a back ache and exhausted the next day, unable to enjoy the holiday.  The problem with wrapping is that usually the wrapping paper, scissors, tape, and bows are either in four different locations or buried so deep in a closet somewhere that you feel like Indiana Jones when you need to locate them.
Here is a tip to help you avoid this problem.
Many stores now carry "wrapping stations".  This is a tall container that will hold multiple rolls of paper, this is a must have at this time of year.  Place all of your holiday wrap inside. 
Get a small box that will hold scissors, tape, tags, and bows and put them all inside.  These supplies will be used only for wrapping.  (You may need to disguise the box. In my family these things go missing very easily when anyone but me knows where they are) 
Place your supplies in a place that is easily accessible.
Make a commitment to yourself to wrap each item as you purchase it, or at the very least, have a limit of how many items you will allow to go unwrapped.  For instance, once you have five gifts, wrap them!  If you make that commitment, when that sixth gift arrives the voice inside you will inspire you to remember your commitment and start wrapping. 
Good luck and best wishes on avoiding paper cuts!