Friday, February 29, 2008

My Pretty Rose Tree

by William Blake

A flower was offered to me,
Such a flower as May never bore;
But I said "I've a pretty rose tree,"
And I passed the sweet flower o'er.

Then I went to my pretty rose tree,
To tend his by day and by night;
But my rose turned away with jealousy,
And his thorns were my only delight.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

15 seconds of fame!

On Tuesday morning I had the opportunity to join my favorite D.J.'s on their morning show. Double D and Glenn have the morning show on WRCN 103.9 FM. Glenn had made a New Years resolution to stop smoking and I wanted him to succeed so I offered to coach him through the process.  They invited me down to the station so we could do it live on the air.  I knew they were taking pictures during it, but I had no idea that they were filming it and that it was going to be on You Tube!  That was a pleasent surprise.  Now I get to share it with all of you!

Oh... I'm the red head. 


Here it is:

If you are an early riser I will be on next Tuesday at about 6am.  You can listen live to via the internet by clicking here:


Evolve Damn It!

Eckhart Tolle, in his book, "A New Earth" explains that most of our human pain and suffering comes from our belief system.  From what we believe is right and wrong.  From trying to change a situation instead of trying to understand a situation.

Gandhi said "Be the change you wish to see in the world"

Jesus said "The Lion will lie down with the Lamb"

Shakespeare Said "Mine is not to reason why"

Here, this is a great visual:

I haven't seen the movie yet, but it seems like it is on the lines of Eckhart Tolle book.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Define Yourself.

Eckhart Tolle, in his book "A New Earth" tells us, that which we fear loosing the most is what our Ego uses to define itself.  Our Ego is also how others define us.  Our Ego however is exactly what keeps us from experiencing true happiness.
Today I am going to share a couple of quotes:
"Deny thyself"   ~Jesus
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."  ~William Shakespeare from Hamlet
"Be the valley of the universe" In this way you will be restored to wholeness and so "all things will come to you"  ~Tao Te Ching
Think about the quotes above and ask yourself.
What defines you?  If you loose the things you value most will that change who you are?

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Winning Ticket

The winning lottery ticket!
I once heard a sermon on faith, belief and the Kingdom of God.  There are many names for this...Nirvana, Enlightenment, Zen, to name a few.  However this particular sermon went on to say that if you knew you had a winning Lottery Ticket in your pocket, no matter what happened, it wouldn't phase you because you knew you already had everything you need.
"A New Earth" by Eckert Tolle describes how we can all find this peace.  That it is already within us and is already here.
My last post was about an experience from when I was very small.  I plan to share some others as we discuss this further.  That experience came from the divine.  It wasn't a strength that came from me, my strength or my ego.  That was the divine that lives with in me, and that lives within you. 
"A New Earth" offers insight into how each of us can find this peace within us and bring it out into the world.  Learning how to see the world  through the eyes of the truly enlightened is how you can not only find peace in your own life, but the answer to bringing peace to the world.
It is sad that each one of us is holding that "winning ticket" yet we forget, even those that teach others find it hard to believe that they have that ticket.  This is what I would like to explore with you this week.
For now try to answer the following question:
 What is it that you are most afraid to loose?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

A lighter mood

In the upcoming week I would like to further explore the book "A New Earth" along with another concept I would like to share with you.  However for today, I thought it would be fun to make you smile:

Nine Phrases Women Use


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Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I have been "absent" for a few days as I have been studying and resting.  I recently heard of a book called "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle.  It re-awakened something in me I had forgotten.  It also helped me understand how to explain this truth I have come to know.
I know this is a particularly long entry and it is also a rare one as I do not often talk about myself.  That is not the purpose of this journal.  I do believe however it is important for those who come here to know me and where my coaching comes from.  So, should you find interest, please continue.
The story I share with you now is to illustrate what Mr. Tolle's book is about.  I share it only because it was a gift given to me and one I would like to share with you.
I was a very small child.  The smallest in my class.  I was also always the "new kid" as I had to change school's two times a year.  I got beat up and teased a lot.
When I was six I received a particularly brutal beating on the play ground.  In actuality it was a fenced in parking lot with a black top surface.  On this occasion the play ground was in Florida and in Florida they reinforce their black top with crushed shells.  It makes the surface sturdy, but jagged and sharp.  If you fall, at the very lest you are going to need Band-Aid's on your knees and hands.
I was in the center of a group of kids and they were hitting me and kicking from one side of the circle to the other.  When they grew tired of this, one boy grabbed both my feet and one boy grabbed my hands and they started swinging me like they were going to toss a me.  I remember the last time someone did this to me.  My sister and her husband and "tucked" me into bed this way, it was great fun.  This however was different.  There would be no soft landing.
I remember crying and begging them to stop, wishing they would stop, praying they would stop.  As the boys were swinging me something happened.   I wasn't angry.  I felt sad and overwhelming pity for the children who were tormenting me.  I knew that it wasn't truly them who were doing this to me. Through all of this, only their humanity shone through.
They eventually decided not to toss me, and just dropped me instead, which I was grateful for, but more so, I was thankful that awakening.  That first time I was able to be in the  moment and realize that I didn't have to let it change me.
Through out my life there were more times when I had moments like these, and many times I was given the gift of seeing that awakening in another person.
The book "A New Earth" reminded me of many of the truths that I had come to know when I was young.  I hadn't forgotten them nor did I stop applying them, I just didn't realize all of the times and places and situations I could apply them to.  I look forward to a fuller awakening and enlightenment and hope that many will join me.
It is the path to peace.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wild Nights!

A poem for your for VD

 by Emily Dickinson.

Wild Nights! Wild Nights!
Were I with thee,
Wild Nights should be
Our luxury!

Futile the winds
To a heart in port,
Done with the compass,
Done with the chart!

Rowing in Eden!
Ah! the sea!
Might I but moor
To-night in Thee!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

ok... THIS is YOUR fault

When my two boys were in third and fourth grade they began to wrestle and the practices were held at the local high school.  There was a boy name John (name has been changed) who used to come down each night and help the younger boys.   He had a natural talent as a wrestler and was wonderful with the children.  He also had a brother who was my son's age and I became friendly with his mom.
I had known John previously and always thought he was a wonderful boy, but he really endeared himself to my heart when I came to know him as he worked with my kids.  He was patient, kind, and attentive to the boys.  I became friendly with his mom and always complimented her for raising such a wonderful boy.  I even mentioned that I hoped that my children would grow up as nicely.
About 2 years later John had dropped out of high school and had gotten involved with drugs.  He has a wonderful supportive family and I am happy to say that John is now a full time athlete and is no longer using drugs.
I did however ask his mother a very powerful question, one I would not have felt comfortable asking if we hadn't become so friendly and if she didn't know how much I cared for John.  I asked her "why do you think this happened?"  She knew exactly why it happened and didn't hesitate to answer.  She explained "John indeed was a very good boy with a big and loving heart.  This made it difficult to discipline him and make him suffer the consequences.  What went wrong Rosemary?  I never let him experience the negative consequences of his actions."
As parents this is the most difficult thing we must do.  Allow our children to suffer.  We want so much to protect them and not to feel any pain, but in order to grow, sometimes pain and suffering is necessary.  They younger they learn, the less painful it will be for them when they get older.  If they suffer small defeats when they are young, they can learn to avoid big defeats when grow up.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It's Not Your Fault!

Ok, so, you've raised your kids, they are now some where in their teens or early 20's.  And BAM, the worst happens.   I could give you a long list of "worst's" but for the sake of this discussion fill in what ever your own worst case scenario is.  Pregnancy, DWI, arrest, drugs, this list is limitless.
Now you know you have raised your child right.  You have done all you could do to love and care for him or her.  All in all, things went well.  Sure there were the bumps in the road, but over all, they were good kids.  The bumps were not the kind of bumps that would ever lead you to believe your child could end up in this situation.
Then he or she does.  What do you do now?  If you are like most parents, you start blaming yourself.  You stay awake at night reliving their childhood and trying to figure where you went wrong.
The truth of the matter is this... YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!  Yes... all capitals! Sure you aren't perfect, but if your child gets into a mess that is life changing after the age of 16, when up until then they had been fairly decent kids, it's THEIR fault!
The thing about raising children to be adults is allowing them the ability to make choices.  Unfortunately, like the rest of us, they are not perfect, and they also have their youth working against them.  So when they do something stupid.  It is just that. It is their mistake, they must own it, and they must deal with it.
You must be there to support and encourage them.  You must be there to give them hope and let them know they are still loved. However, you do not need to blame yourself for something they did.  Playing the blame game won't help in this situation, try instead to focus on what can be done to deal with the situation properly.  You and your child will come through your challenge stronger and less likely to ever wind up in a similar situation again.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Parenting Thoughts

I often give workshops on parenting and I like to open the workshop with a list of 10 things that children need the most. Here is the list:
1.  Love and affection.
2.  Responsibility.  Giving your child responsibilities gives them a sense of being in control of their lives.
3. Acknowledgment.  Praise your children for their accomplishment and for the fulfillment of their responsibilities.  
4. Trust.  Allow your children the ability to earn your trust and to build upon it.  It is important for them to make mistakes that they can learn from.
5. Relaxation.  Like all of us children need a safe haven where they can feel safe and secure and free from nagging, scolding or demands.
6. Exercise.  Limit the amount of time they sit in front of the TV or Video games.  Physical exercise is important. 
7.  Spirituality.  Share your belief system with your children.  The world can be a cold and cruel place and knowing what your believe spiritually can be of comfort to them as well.
8.  To feel needed.  This is the basic need for any human being and children are no exception.  They need to know that not only are we there to tell them what to do, they need to know that we need them as well.
9.  Individuality.  Children need to be able to express themselves, their thoughts and feelings, in a safe and non-judgmental environment.  This fosters openness and facilitates communication.
10.  Hope.  Every family at one time or another deals with challenges that are difficult to say the least.  Often these are life altering and or devastating.  How you deal with them and how you present these situations  to your children can alter who they are.  Presenting them with hope will create in them a spirit that is resilient.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Origins

Nice Matters!  Oh it so matters. 

I am working on coming up with an idea that is very workable and accessible to everyone.  I looked into ribbons, pins and all sorts of ideas.  Yesterday I was at Michael's, a craft shop, and they had a Sticker Maker on sale!  Brilliant? I thought, a sticker, it is inexpensive to make, simple to mail, and if you want to cherish  your award, you can stick it someplace special!  My address and phone number are on my web site so once it is designed and up and running people could e-mail me or call and I could send them their stickers to give out.  The other document they could down load and print from the web site.  Poof, easy?  What do you think?

I am also working on some sort of a card or presentation to go with the award.  Something for the giver to give the recipient so that they know why they are getting the award.

I would like to give proper kudos to the one who came up with the "Nice Matters" award.  Does anyone out there know where the idea originated?

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Running with the ball

So far I have gotten some great feed back on taking "Nice Matters" out in to our real lives.  I am working on different ideas and when I have the whole concept put together I will present it to everyone for feed back.  Right now I am focusing on how to keep it easy, accessible, and cost effective.  I think I am on the right path.

Now for some comic relief:

The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note, and posted on the apple tray:

"Take only ONE. God is watching."

Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies.

A child had written a note, "Take all you want. God is watching the apples.

Friday, February 8, 2008

A Day Late: Hate.

Friday for me is usually poetry day.  I believe you can get to know the soul of a person by learning what they lovel. I love poetry.  Especially if it is romantic, or a bit naughty. But sometimes that varys.  Because of the "Nice Matters Award" going around I wanted to share this one with you.

I Had No Time To Hate                                                                                    by Emily Dickenson                                                                                    

I had no time to hate, because
The grave would hinder me,
And life was not so ample I
Could finish enmity.

Nor had I time to love, but since
Some industry must be,
The little toil of love, I thought,
Was large enough for me.

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nice REALLY matters!!!

I found out a bit late that Amy from TNT  and mrs t from Eternity awarded me the "Nice Matters" award!

It has taken me this long to be able to respond to this as this is so incredibly special to me and I wanted to make sure I did it justice.

I humbly accept with great excitement and gratitude!  Thank You!

Now as the rules go I understand I am to pass this award to five others in J-Land

As I have been reading various blogs such as Guido's Northern Trip  and  Indigo's from Raven Lament  they both felt that there were so many deserving people, and I agree.  There are! 

This got me to thinking about Cathy from Dare to Think and her Journal posts on Feb 2, 2008 when she said  "EVERYONE is special.  EVERYONE deserves to be validated in some way. "

When I put all of this together this is what I came up with.  J-Land is a very speical group of people.  They are incredibly gifted and willing to share their talent.  J-land is a place where people share their most private thoughts and beliefs and they are met with acceptance and understanding.  There are those time when someone may get hate mail, but the writer of said mail, usually reveals their ignorance and lack of understanding there by invalidating the point they were trying to make.

Bringing all of this full circle I came to believe that if we were able to take J-Land "live" and share the abundance of love in with the world, we could make a huge difference. (I truly believe World Peace is possible)

So, here is my idea.  What if we took our "Nice Matters" award LIVE!  Imagine actually handing someone the award and telling them why they are nice and that it does matter.

I was thinking it would be nice to have a small lapel pin created that says NICE! award that you could give to  the recipient and when you presented the award you could tell them why you feel they deserve it, either verbally or in writing.

This award would then come with the same stipulation, the award must be passed on to others.

What do you think J-Land? (I'm getting a quote onlapel pins)

Oh and all the above and many more deserve the award, but I would like to add one very speical J-Lander to this and that is Mary from Just Mary  She is an incrdible spirit that I am thankful for having met.

I also have a few non J-Landers I would like to add to this list if we go LIVE. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I can now name my disease!

I was happy to find out there is a name for my condition.  Guido from   was nice enough to suppy the diagnosis.

Electile Dysfunction: the inability to become aroused over any of the choices for president put forth by either party in the 2008 election year.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Acohol Abuse

This is a hoot, but I suspect the minister didn't appreciate it.

        A minister was completing a temperance sermon. With great emphasis he said, 'If I had all the beer in the world, I'd take it and pour it into the river.' 

        With even greater emphasis he said, 'And if I had All the wine in the world, I'd take it and pour it into the river.'

        And then finally, shaking his fist in the air, he  said, 'And if I had all the whiskey in the world,  I'd take it and pour it into the river.'
      Sermon complete, he sat down.
       The song leader stood very cautiously and announced with a smile, nearly laughing, 'For our closing song let us sing Hymn #365, 'Shall We Gather at the River.'

Friday, February 1, 2008

Give Me Wine, Women and Snuff


Give Me Women, Wine, And Snuff
 by John Keats.

Give me women, wine, and snuff
Untill I cry out "hold, enough!"
You may do so sans objection
Till the day of resurrection:
For, bless my beard, they aye shall be
My beloved Trinity.