Monday, March 31, 2008

Resolutions Revisited

commitment.jpg Commitment image by SilverCyan

On Friday my post on Resolutions brought some interesting feedback.  Some were plugging along, some completely forgot, and others just didn't bother.

Martha from Perception asked me "how are you doing?"

That question spurred me to drag out last years written journal to see what resolutions I had made.  Right there I knew I had a problem!  I had an idea of what resolutions I had made, but I didn't know exactly.  That is a big downfall for most.  You do not keep focus on the prize.

This is the number one reason most resolutions fail.  When one fails to keep focus on the goal or desired change one tends to believe they can't stick to their commitment.

I would like to say right here and now your lack of success is not your fault!  You simply lacked the tools for creating change.  Change does not happen over night, nor does it happen simply because you made a commitment to do so.  It requires commitment, motivation and planning.  All of this does not happen overnight.

If you recall I commended Glenn when he made his New Years Resolution to stop smoking and didn't start the next day.  He waited and planned.  The resolution was only the first step of the desired change.

Once the decision is made to make a change it is then time to reflect on where your strengths and challenges lie in pursuing your desired outcome.

We all have something we want to change or accomplish, if you are currently working toward a resolution or if you haven't committed to some sort of self improvement I would like to challenge you now to do so.

I would like to invite you to take, or re-take the first step.


Consider what it is you want to accomplish and answer the following questions.  For best results you will want to write your answers down, perhaps start a separate journal.  A hand written one works well because you can take it with you and write in it at any time and any place.

~ Clearly state what it is you want to accomplish.

~ Why do you wish to accomplish this?

~ What will it feel like when you accomplish this?

~ Where do your strengths lie in pursuing this?

~ What will your greatest struggles and challenges be?

~ If you do not succeed in accomplishing this what will be the excuses you tell yourself to explain your lack of success?

Tomorrow we will cover step two.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

I am a day behind.  Usually Saturday is the day that I post something funny.  I woke up this morning and walked out of my bedroom door to see this infront of me.

My daughters name is Emily and this is her bedroom door.

The top poster says  Emily the Strange,


The bottom poster says Welcome to My Nightmare. 


The board inbetween has a comment from my daughter that says "The real nightmare is how small this room is!" 

She does have a sense of humor!


Friday, March 28, 2008

I forgot yesterday was Friday!

Friday is usually poetry day here at Inspiration, and I completely forgot yesterday was Friday and started a whole new topic at the end of the week. We will pick up on that on Monday.  For now, a poem!

This picture is by Michael Parks (my favorite artist)  This print hangs in my living room.



Were you to cross the world, my dear,
To work or love or fight,
I could be calm and wistful here,
And close my eyes at night.

It were a sweet and gallant pain
To be a sea apart;
But, oh, to have you down the lane
Is bitter to my heart.

Dorothy Parker

Happy New Year!

Ok, did I raise an eyebrow? 
Good! That means I am being a good coach!
Here are a few coaching questions for you.
Did you make any New Year resolutions?
How are you doing with them?
If you aren't doing so well, why don't you revisit them! 
A new season is just as good as a new year.
Consider this a public service anouncement!


Thursday, March 27, 2008

A little more candid

I didn't know it till this morning but they did film my last coaching session with Glenn.  It's a bit better then the filming I did myself.  It was my first time so I do hope that next time I do a video blog it comes over better.  It was fun to do at the very least.  I also want to make sure I do a transcript for those who have a hard time viewing or are hearing impaired. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Friday, March 21, 2008


I usually do not share my personal beliefs, however tonight I celebrate the gift of being humbled.

I also think (KNOW) Jesus had a sense of humor:

Yesterday was Good Friday.

Since 1994 the Youth Minister at my church has asked me to work with the teens. Tonight I did!  I have been fighting it for that long!  Not because I didn't want to, but because I didn't really think a bunch of kids would want to listen to me.  Also,  I have been deathly afraid that my own opinions might come out which would not set well with the magisterium.

To anyone who knows me casually I appear very "religious", which  I am not.  I am very spiritual.  My beliefs are my own and come from a very varied background including Paganism, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism and others.  I grew up going to Cathoic School from 1-12 grade.  I am also Irish and have strong celtic roots, I had to stop denying that. I describe myself as a Catholic Witch.  (yeah, I know, don't try) (if you want to try though, e-mail me)

My life experience has insisted on this wide range of study.

Yesterday I spoke on the one thing I believe in.  Peace through non-violence. I challenged the teens to allow themselves to be "crucified."  I spoke on personal experience. By the age of 6 I had been sexually abused, beaten, and abducted.  When I was a little girl I was emotionally abandoned by all and only had Jesus as a friend. Jesus was a very good friend.  The Jesus I know is much like Buddha, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin.  (Which explains why I had to do a lot of study!)  He was there, loving, fun, non-judgmental.

This is a very brief synopsis of what I spoke on.  I explained that all I had was Jesus and even as he hung on the cross he asked his Father to forgive those that persecuted him.  As a child I was beaten up regularly by other children.  My mother would ask me why I didn't fight back. 

My Answer:  Well for one, Jesus didn't, and he was there for me when she wasn't.  And two, because I knew how bad it hurt and I didn't want to hurt anyone that way.  I figured that they just didn't know what they were doing.

It turned out, they didn't.  Because I didn't fight back, God, the Universe, Jesus, allowed me to see the others change of heart.  Many times those that had hurt me learned a different way.  For this I have the Lord and Lady to thank.  I would gladly go through it all again.

I challenged these teens to do the same.  To be vulnerable long enough to allow another to change.

I was humbled.  They listened.  They really listened. The Spirit allowed me to touch some hearts.  I don't know if anyone has ever stood in front of a group of teenagers before and had every mouth shut and every eye focused, but it was humbling. 

This helped me to believe that someday, there will be peace on earth.  What more of a gift could anyone want?

In Memory Of Ryan Colvin

Ryan Colvin  May 18, 1982 - March 15, 2008

Ryan's Mom has been all of my children's Spanish teacher.  She has lost her son in a tragic car accident the details of which are still emerging.  She is an amazing woman and my heart breaks for her.  There are no words anyone can offer that will bring comfort.  I pray Lord and Lady hold her in her in their arms and rock her as she grieves.

To All Parents

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 

“I’ll Lend you for a little time,

                                         a child of mine.” He said.

“For you to love the while he lives

                                         and morn for when he’s dead.

It may be six or seven years,

                                         or twenty two or three,

But will you, till I call him home

                                         take care of him for me?

He’ll bring his charms to gladden you

                                         and should his stay be brief,

You’ll have his lovely memories

                                         as solace for your grief.

I cannot promise he will stay

                                         since all from earth return.

But there are lessons taught down there

                                         I want this child to learn.

I’ve looked the wide world over

                                         in search for teachers true.

And from the throngs that crowd life’s lanes

                                         I have selected you.

Now will you give him all your love,

                                         nor think the effort vein,

Nor hate me when I come to call

                                         to take him back again?”

I fancied that I heard them say,

                                         “Dear Lord, Thy will be done!

For all the joys thy child shall bring,

                                         the risk of grief we’ll run.

We’ll shelter him with tenderness,

                                         we’ll love him while we may,

And for the happiness we have known

                                         forever grateful stay.

But should the angles call for him

                                         Much sooner then we’ve planned

We’ll brave the bitter grief that comes,

                                         And try to understand"


In Memory Of Ryan Colvin

Ryan Colvin  May 18, 1982 - March 15, 2008

Ryan's Mom has been all of my children's Spanish teacher.  She has lost her son in a tragic car accident the details of which are still emerging.  She is an amazing woman and my heart breaks for her.  There are no words anyone can offer that will bring comfort.  I pray Lord and Lady hold her in her in their arms and rock her as she grieves.

                           To All Parents


“I’ll Lend you for a little time,

                                         a child of mine.” He said.

“For you to love the while he lives

                                         andmorn for when he’s dead.

It may be six or seven years,

                                         or twenty two or three,

But will you, till I call him home

                                         take care of him for me?

He’ll bring his charms to gladden you

                                         and should his stay be brief,

You’ll have his lovely memories

                                         as solace for your grief.

   I cannot promise he will stay

                                         since all from earth return.

But there are lessons taught down there

                                         I want this child to learn.

I’ve looked the wide world over

                                         in search for teachers true.

And from the throngs that crowd life’s lanes

                                         I have selected you.

Now will you give him all your love,

                                         nor think the effort vein,

Nor hate me when I come to call

                                         to take him back again?”

I fancied that I heard them say,

                                         “Dear Lord, Thy will be done!

For all the joys thy child shall bring,

                                         the risk of grief we’ll run.

We’ll shelter him with tenderness,

                                         we’ll love him while we may,

And for the happiness we have known

                                         forever grateful stay.

But should the angles call for him

                                         Much sooner then we’ve planned

We’ll brave the bitter grief that comes,

                                         And try to understand"


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Glenn and His Balls!


This is a picture of Glenn holding his Dexterity Balls.

Well I must say I am very impressed with Glenn this week.  He had his best week ever!

He only had one cigarette!  He also has been able to cut back on the Nicorette Gum.

Glenn doesn't really like the new balls.  He says they have some "Bad Mojo" which he likens to the Brady Bunch episode where they are in Hawaii and the Tiki Talisman sets off a chain of bad events.  He has stored them away for now and is using the original ones I gave him.  I have offered to cleanse the balls for him or take them off his hands.  Either way, we need to get rid of whatever bad vibes are on the balls.

In case you wish a refresher here, is part of the episode:

Next, this week we revisited why it is that Glenn is choosing to stop smoking.  His main concern is his health.  He wants to be around to watch his kids grow up.  I also challenged Glenn to try to stop chewing one less piece of Nicorette Gum a day, or every other day.  Our Goal is to get him off the Gum completely.

Previously the longest he had ever stopped smoking was seven month, however he had never stopped the gum.  It is my hope that this week I will be able to spend a little more time with Glenn so that we can deal with some of the triggers and come up with some coping skills.

This part of the process is highly personal and private and shouldn't be done on the air.  We will be on again March 25, 2008 at 6 am Tuesday morning on WRCN.

Last my girlfriend Veronica sent me this and I thought it was appropriate for this entry;

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm good for your health!

I had a few ask why I was going to be at the WRCN live broadcast.

Answer:  I wanted to do a little PR.  (that's my story and I'm sticking to it)

There were also men in kilts, (I wanted to see if those plastic beads work as well on kilts as they do on women's shirts in New Orleans) step dancers, a band, dancing, comedians, not to mention it is the one day of year I can start drinking before noon and no one thinks anything of it!

St. Patrick's day is my 2nd favorite holiday, second only to Halloween, which is the one day of year I can come out of the closet.

Now, why am I good for your health?

This is taken from an Real Age article

RealAge Tip 

A Sprinkle of Cancer-Fighting Spice -- Nice!

Whether you steep it, saute it, or soak it, oh-so-savory rosemary can elevate both your culinary skills and your health.

Why? Because not only is it one of the trendiest cooking spices, but the fragrant needle-leaved herb is also showing early promise as a cancer killer.

Antioxidant Action
Human studies are needed to confirm the effects, but in cell studies, rosemary extract has given both breast cancer and leukemia cells a real fight. That's good news about an herb we already know is chock-full of antioxidants -- those free-radical killers that help protect you from cell-level damage. (Get the skinny on protecting yourself from the aging effects of cell damage in the YOU: Staying Young Center.)

4 Ways to Get More Rosemary into Your Life

  1. Stick a fresh sprig in your lemonade, or steep it in hot tea.
  2. Add chopped rosemary to your tossed salads.
  3. Use fresh or dried rosemary in marinades for meats or vegetables (olive oil, fresh or dried rosemary, and soy sauce make a nice, simple one).
  4. Try this delicious rosemary-infused recipe from Garlic-Rosemary Mushrooms.

Everything's Coming Up Rosemary
More reasons everything's rosy with rosemary:


RealAge Benefit: Getting the right amount of antioxidants through diet or supplements can make your RealAge 6 years younger.

  • rosemary tea

    Spring has almost sprung. Start planning your garden now, while you sip a warm cup of fragrant
    rosemary tea. Be sure to include this tough cancer fighter as part of your herb section -- not only is it a delicious flavor booster, it's also a hearty grower that will turn even the blackest thumb green.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Wearin' of the Green

For local NY folks if you would like to meet me in person I will be at

Tumbleweeds in Port Jefferson, NY  I am not listed on the venue but I will be there!  Click here for directions.

Monday  March 17,2008 from 7am till 10am   

You can also hear me live on Tuesday March 18, 2008 at 6am on WRCN


Thanks Joyce for the lovely Tag!



Saturday, March 15, 2008

An Irish Favorite Of Mine!

This is my favorite Irish Pub Song, thought I would share it with you. I searched long and hard to find a perfect video to go with the song.  Apparntly there are many out there how enjoy this song, The video below actually acts it out for you.   Now some folks have a hard time understanding the words, and these words are very funny, Sooooo you will find them below.


It's lonesome away from your kindred and all
By the campfire at night where the wild dingos call
But there's nothin' so lonesome, so dull or so drear
Than to stand in the bar of a pub with no beer

Now the publican's anxious for the quota to come
There's a faraway look on the face of the bum
The maid's gone all cranky and the cook's acting queer
What a terrible place is a pub with no beer

The stockman rides up with his dry, dusty throat
He breasts up to the bar, pulls a wad from his coat
But the smile on his face quickly turns to a sneer
When the barman says suddenly: "The pub's got no beer!"

There's a dog on the verandah, for his master he waits
But the boss is inside drinking wine with his mates
He hurries for cover and he cringes in fear
It's no place for a dog round a pub with no beer

Then in comes the swagman, all covered with flies
He throws down his roll, wipes the sweat from his eyes
But when he is told he says, "What's this I hear?
I've trudged fifty flamin' miles to a pub with no beer!"

Old Billy, the blacksmith, the first time in his life
Has gone home cold sober to his darling wife
He walks in the kitchen; she says: "You're early, me dear"
Then he breaks down and he tells her that the pub's got no beer

It's lonesome away from your kindred and all
By the campfire at night where the wild dingos call
But there's nothin' so lonesome, so dull or so drear
Than to stand in the bar of a pub with no beer

Friday, March 14, 2008

I thought I would share this poem with you once again.  It is my favorite.  It was written by Thomas Moore who was Poet Laurite of Irland.

Poetry and Faeries!

Yes, Faerie is spelled properly.  It is the proper celtic spelling of the word. And yes, I do believe!

The Argument


I've oft been told by learned friars,
That wishing and the crime are one,
And Heaven punishes desires
As much as if the deed were done.

If wishing damns us, you and I
Are damned to all our heart's content;
Come, then, at least we may enjoy
Some pleasure for our punishment!

                                   ~Thomas Moore

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Some Inspiration

 Quotes to inspire you while you work on your assigment.

What lies behind us and what lies before us, are two tiny matters compared to what lies within us

~Ralph Waldo Emerson


The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself."
- Ben Franklin

There is no safety in numbers, or in anything else.
-James Thurber

"The fearless are merely fearless. People who act in spite of their fear are truly brave." -James A. LaFond-Lewis


Troubles are often the tools by which God fashions us for
better things.

Henry Ward Beecher

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Radio Update... Tuesday, March 10, 2008

Dexterity Balls.   Click the hereto take you to the company that sells them.

Radio Update...  Tuesday March 10, 2008
This week Glenn had a better time of it.  He did smoke, but it was only once and he only had two cigarettes.  He also worked on his assignments and called me. 
This week we discussed his greatest challenges that triggered his need to smoke,  he listed among them, driving, work, his co-worker Dave, His wife, His children.  Dave pointed out that these things are in fact, all of the most important things in his life.  I agreed, and we decided to focus on driving first.  I believe that the rest of the them, while they are stressful, were mostly thrown in for theatrical value.
The other thing we discussed was how much Nicorette Gum he has been chewing.  Glenn is concerned because he is chewing constantly and he knows that too much gum isn't good for him either.  We discussed alternating regular gum with the Nicorette.
One thing Glenn did say was the balls that I had given him did seem to help.  He had lost one of them but has since found it.  I did give him a new set.  These are dexterity balls, and they have chimes in them.  You can click on the picture above if you would like to learn more about them.  Glenn is going to give them a try and use the original ones on air as they don't make any noise.
Here are Glenn's assignments for the week:
  1. Slowly cut back on the Nicorette Gum

You said you were concerned about the amount of gum you were chewing.  This is something that you can do slowly.   Try chewing a regular piece of gum in between each piece of Nicorette gum.  If every other piece doesn’t work, try a piece of regular gum after every two pieces of Nicorette gum.  Take note of your mood when you are chewing regular gum vs. the Nicorette gum.   Another suggestion, Chew regular gum in situations you wouldn't be able to smoke, and Nicorette gum when you would normally be smoking

Example:  When you are “on air” chew regular gum.   When you   would take a smoke break, go outside and chew the Nicorette gum.  See if that helps when your cravings in anyway.




  1. Breath!         

      It may sound very simple, but deep breathing helps alleviate stress.

      It also increases oxygen flow which aids in brain function there by helping

      you think more clearly.  There are specific techniques I can teach you.


  1. Alternate Routes.

     Consider alternate routes or travel times.  Can you make your trip when

     the roads are less busy?  Are there other routes you can take to avoid

     traffic?  Let me know how you feel about this suggestion.


  1. Can you accept where you are? 

     Chances are when you are in this situation you are experience angst

     because you want to be somewhere else.  Are there things you can do to

     help you make your current situation more acceptable, or even more

     enjoyable?  Let me know what you think about this one too.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The WARM Shower.

Now I promised I was going to put what we have been talking about into practical use.  A quick recap of the posts from 3/3, 3/5, 3/10.

~ Get in touch with who you are.  Leaving your Ego aside.

~ Trust that you are exactly where you need to be.

~ Try observing situations without letting your thoughts and feelings enter into it.

~ Practice being completely present in every situation.


I don't ask my clients to try anything I have not tried myself.  The posts this far have led up to this assignment.


Negativity is like a cancer.  It eats away at one's heart and soul and puts one in a foul mood.  Then that foul mood goes out into the world and affects more people, putting them in a foul mood.  Try applying the above concepts once this week to a situation in which you normally have a negative opinion or reaction to.

Here is my example:

On Thursday night I wanted to take a shower, however I couldn't because my daughter needed to take on. (ego is miffed)  This meant I had to take one in the morning. (ego is miffed more)  I really dislike taking showers in the morning.  It means I have to get up earlier then I like. (ego is getting nasty)  I am a night person.  I would rather stay up till all hours of the night then get out of bed before 9am.  As it is I have to get out of bed at 6:30am at the very latest.  If I have to take a shower in the morning I have to get out of bed at the ungodly time of 6:00am(grrrrrrr) My son get up at 5:50am and gets in the shower before me.  I wake up at 6:00am to get in the shower, but alas, I can't.  Son is in there.  So I wait.  This will make me late.  (Usually I start putting the pressure on the Son about now.)  Not this morning, I shall relish the extra few seconds of sleep. About 6:20am I finally turn the faucet to call up the HOT water, I wait, and wait, and wait, and finally realize, there isn't any (GRRRRRRR).   The water is WARM.  Just warm enough so you won't shiver while you wash your hair and body. (Shall I kill him now or wait till I'm really angry after my WARM shower?) 

This would normally set my day off in a bad way, cause me to scold the Son, and be mildly irritated at the daughter.

INSTEAD... I applied the thinking above.

Here is the conversation I had with myself.

Observe the situation without letting my ego (feelings) get involved.  The shower is different then usual.  The time is late and I must hurry anyway if I am to be on time.  I will stay present in the moment so that the precious moments while the water is still warm can be made to the best of use.  This is but one moment in time.  One shower that is different.  One moment and then it is gone.

Whatever anger or negativity was there washed down the drain.  The rest of the day went lovely and I even had the opportunity to cheer up a few people during the day.

If you would like, give the exercise a try and let me know how it went.  What did you find easiest? What did you find most difficult?  What were the results?  Were there any thoughts that were difficult to over come?   What stood out most in your mind.


Monday, March 10, 2008

As Promised

On Monday March 3 and Wednesday March 5 I gave you two excerpts from Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth" and I promised I would bring both of those thoughts and entries together for you.  If you haven't read those entries please scroll down and read them before continuing.    Please keep in mind that I am condensing (changed the typo. Many  thanks Sarah!) an entire book into a few paragraphs. 
Before I continue I would like to explain a bit about this post.  It is a spiritual topic that is open to many interpretations.   It does not have any particular religious affiliations. The author speaks of "awakening" or "consciousness".  Anyone with any religious background will understand that reference to be "God." 
Here is the challenge that is presented when combining the two excerpts.
~  In order to find true happiness we are asked to learn to live in the present.  This requires us to learn to understand the past is over and can not be changed or brought back.  The future is not here and therefore always unknown. 
~  When one learns to live in the present you have a greater (typo corrections thank you Betty!) ability of understanding your true purpose.
~  True happiness can not be found anywhere else but from within.  It can not be found in your circumstances, or in relationships.  All of these things undergo change.
~  What is true to you may not be true to another, nor does one negate the other.  In other words, One does not have to prove the other wrong in order to prove themselves right.
The road to enlightenment:
Taking all of the above, we are asked to do the following.  Live in the moment.  Know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be atall times.  Even when it seems very wrong.   Get intouch with the part of yourself that is eternal (some call this the soul), that is in touch with the total consciousness (God, The Divine, A Higher Power).  If we are able to do this, and allow our own wants, needs, desires, that which our ego says brings us happiness, then we will be able to find peace and happiness here and now. 
I have given you a lot to thinkabout today.  Over the next few days I will suggest ideas and places for you to apply these thoughts.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

A little about Me

Every now and then I share a little bit about myself.  Some new folks are stopping by (thank you Val from There Is A Season for picking me in her Guest Editors Pick in Magic Smoke) so I thought now would be a good time do share a bit about myself

About Me.


Rather then the usual statistics that are listed on my web site I will tell you a little bit about who I am.


I define myself by my friends, so I will start there.  I have found that by describing my friends, I describe myself as well.  I have had the most unusual and wonderful gift that, in my opinion, anyone could be blessed with.  My friends have become friends.  People, who didn’t know each other before and met because I introduced them, have become friends.  They do things together, they share with one another and stay in touch because they enjoy each others company.


My friends are open minded and warm.  They enjoy variety in ideas and people.  They are loyal and dependable.  They feel comfortable speaking the truth when they know you need to hear it and are confident you will continue to love them even still.  They have faith in the human spirit and understand people make mistakes.  They offer forgiveness quickly and qualify it with a warm embrace.


“A friend is someone who will bail you out of jail no matter what time of night it is, A GOOD friend is someone who will be sitting there next to you saying “damn that was fun”.


My friends are always there for me and if they aren’t sitting next to me there are only two reasons for that.


  1. Its because I am not sitting there because they had the good sense to talk me out of doing whatever would have landed me in jail.
  2. They just weren’t with me at the time and they will come to bail me out. (with the stern warning that they better be invited next time.


(Disclaimer: For those of you who don’t know me, I have never actually been arrested, and to my knowledge neither have any of my friends this story is just and analogy)


Most importantly my friends let me, be me!


Things I enjoy:


  1. An empty church or a quiet corner anywhere.  I have tea with God ever morning.
  2. Watching my kids do something that makes them truly happy.
  3. A long day at work that ends with a feeling of accomplishment.
  4. Parties with all of my friends
  5. A ride out to the vineyards with the top down on the convertible
  6. Sitting out side with a glass of wine or Lemoncello and a good cigar.
  7. Reading.  Almost anything and everything.
  8. A quiet night, dinner by candle light, soft music, good conversation, maybe a dance in the moonlight, and then…
  9. Poetry, I love poetry!
  10. My Heritage.  I love to learn about it, talk about it and I especially love the music and the dance.  I’m Irish.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Letter of Encouragement!

I just wanted to let you know that your letters of encouragement made it on the air this morning!  I am not certain who's they read, but, they did note them and Glenn sounded encouraged.  Thank you all for helping me with this project. 

It is one I am deeply committed to.  I am not one to fault anyone for their vices.  God knows I have enough of them.  However when someone wishes to make a healthier choice for themselves I am all for supporting them and encouraging them.

Giving up smoking is a cause that is close to my heart because it has killed three members of my family.  If I can help any other family avoid such and experience I will do so.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Radio Update... Tuesday March 4, 2009

Glenn Meyer  103.9 WRCN (video feed not yet available)

Gentle Readers,

Glenn had a rough week and succumbed to smoking not once, but twice.  He was prepared to be violently scolded.  Coaching doesn't work that way.  Coaching encourages the progress you do make while we look at the challenges that you faced during the week.  We then discuss a plan to handle those challenges.

Glenn is serious about changing his life style.  I believe that he needs more encouragement.  I think if he knows that there are others out here pulling for him he will feel more accountable.  Won't you please e-mail him to show your support? or you can call the show between 5AM to 9AM EST on Tuesday March 11, 2008.  Our next meeting will be around 6:05AM EST on that day.

Unfortunately Glenn did not do his homework for the week so he was unprepared our meeting.  We did however uncover that one the most difficult time he has is while he is driving.
Here is his assignment for the upcoming week
1.  Call the Coach.  Coaching doesn't take long, but it does take a little longer then 6min on the air.
2. Breath!  It may sound very simple, but deep breathing helps alleviate stress.  It also increases oxygen flow which aids in brain function there by helping you think more clearly.  I can teach you when we chat.
3.  Consider alternate routes or travel times.  Can you make your trip when the roads are less busy?  Are there other routes you can take to avoid traffic?
4.    Can you accept where you are?   Chances are when you are in this situation you are experience angst because you want to be somewhere else.  Are there things you can do to help you make your current situation more acceptable, or even more enjoyable?
Let's all wish Glenn success.  He has a beautiful family and we want him to be around for a long time to come.