Friday, August 31, 2007


This poem made me wonder if this man had a very judgemental wife.  It also made me giggle.



D. H. Lawrence

Don't you care for my love? she said bitterly.

I handed her the mirror, and said:
Please address these questions to the proper person!
Please make all request to head-quarters!
In all matters of emotional importance
please approach the supreme authority direct!--
So I handed her the mirror.

And she would have borken it over my head,
but she caught sight of her own refection
and that held her spellbound for two seconds
while I fled.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Reader Beware: The Blogs that follow will have topics that are meant to challenge you.  The idea behind them is to help you deal with judgmental people.  They also may challenge your own judgmental side.  Various topics will be presented that may truly test your limits. Consider it an exercise.  An exercise that I hope you will enjoy.

Today we will discuss the judgmental people that fall into category one:
The Ignorant and Lazy
Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers.”
~Jesse Ventura  Governor of Minnesota
I would like to start this discussion by offering a quote:
I'm going to ask you to stretch your "judgey" muscles with me. (and don't shoot me!) I do not necessarily agree with the above statement.  I do think it is a good conversations starter.
I will never forget when Jesse said the above quote.  It just so happens that I am part of an organized religion and everyone in it took offence.  Everyone but me. 
Why, you ask?
1.  I don't offend easy.
2.  I know I am not weak-minded.
3.  There may be strength in numbers, but misery loves company.
4.  Because it didn't apply to me. 
5.  It did apply to many of those in the organized religion to which I belong!  The "judgey" ones! 
Read on and see if you agree at the end.
The Ignorant and/or Lazy
The Ignorant and/or Lazy:  These are the types of people who are either completely uninformed, or accept the opinion or teachings of others without any real knowledge or research.  These are people who never question the rules and are the first to say "that's not fair!"  They assault you with their personal beliefs and have the uncanny ability to make you feel worthless even though you know they are horribly wrong in their assessment.
The ignorant and/or lazy feed off of small bits of knowledge.  They pretty much believe everything they hear if it even sounds like it could be true.  Especially when they get those e-mails that seem to circulate on and on and on.  My favorite is the one that your pet will die if you use a "Swiffer" sweeper in your house.
They also will believe whatever they are told by someone in authority.  This could be anyone from a police officer, public official, president, or clergy member.  Once they have this so called "knowledge" they feel the need to spread the knowledge around and share it with the world, especially YOU!
Their motive: 
They want to feel important and intelligent without actually doing any of the work or research necessary. 
How they will react:
If they like what they hear they will do all they can to comply to the information gathered. They will then share the information with you, and insist that you follow this very important advice also.
If they do not like what they hear, they will immediately start the defamatory campaign.  They will bash the individual or organization to anyone who will give them five seconds of their attention.  They will have just enough details to seem intelligent about the situation.  If pressed into question they may make up facts as they go along to support their cause.
Let me give you a personal anecdote:
One of my jobs is to educate people how to protect children from being sexually abused.  All of the people that attend my program have preconceived notions and are members of an organized religion that frowns upon gays.  I have many challenges when presenting this topic and many myths that need to be addressed.  Because of their belief system, the myth that people attending truly believed the most was that gays were the main perpetrator of this horrible crime.
The truth is,  most sexual predators are heterosexual men.  This was really quite a surprising fact that most people have a hard time accepting.  The problem is, if I am unable to convince people that this is in fact a truth, these people will remain ignorant and unable to correct a highly preventable situation. 
Fortunately, I am usually able to help people understand that it is important for them to learn the facts, if they truly wanted to make a difference and help children.  I presented the facts.  Usually that is enough.  If it isn't enough I am able to share personal knowledge.  I have known 10 sexual predators.   Out of the ten; four of them were were arrested, three out of the four did time, 1 was a woman, 1 was a priest and 1 was a homosexual.  My personal experience seemed to back up that of various agencies doing the research.  ( I can provide that information if you wish)
How to deal with the ignorant and/or lazy:
Fortunately the ignorant and lazy are the easiest to handle.  IT'S TRUE! 
If they are simply ignorant and lazy:
Do not make them feel ignorant or lazy!  Then YOU will be the "Judgey" one! 
The best way to handle this type of person is to empower them.  Listen to their side, find out where they got their information.   Acknowledge their interest and their thoughtfulness in sharing their knowledge.  This will disarm them and then you can begin to introduce the truth, or gently suggest alternatives that they may want to explore.  If you do this properly you will find this person very grateful that you showed interest in them and took the time to share with them.
If they are ignorant and lazy with an obnoxious attitude:
The first step would be to try the above method.  It may work, but it will take a lot of patience.  If you are successful, you will have truly accomplished something.  If it doesn't work, you may be forced to embarrass them with the truth, by presenting them with it. Cold hard facts backed up with visual support works wonders.   If that doesn't work you may want to resort to my fourth suggestion from Tuesday.
Use a bit of Irish Diplomacy:  "Tell them to go to hell so that they look forward to the trip" or "Tell them to go copulate with themselves, VIGOROUSLY!"  If enough people do this, they may eventually get the idea.
When I applied my method above to Jesse's quote, here is what I came up with.:
I felt sorry for him that he had such bad experiences with those in organized religion.  I also understood that in HIS eyes, it was a very accurate assessment.  When I looked at many of the people in the group I am involved with I could find a good number of them who followed the so called "rules" of the church, just because they were told to do so.  They had no understanding of the rules, nor did they know why the rules were made.  They just followed them blindly.  Many of the rules were antiquated and no longer in effect!  But, that was what they were told, and it was easier just to keep following them then to gain understanding and insight. So, they just follow mindlessly.
 (Did I stretch your "judgy" muscles?  What do you think?)
To sum things up:  
When dealing with an ignorant or lazy individual who feels the need to judge you, take a deep breath, consider their motives, access if they can be moved to learn, then act accordingly.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The quest for passion.

We take a brief break from our "Judgy People" to finish our last assignment on seduction.
The last step in finding our passion is Step Four:
Take a look at all of the things that you seem to have found passion in. 
As you look at the list, find the first item that makes you say "I miss doing that, I wish I could still do that!" and go and do it.  Don't just try it once or twice.  Make a commitment to it, it could be a month, six weeks, or a year, but make a commitment ahead of time, the length of time you will visit the passion.
This commitment is important especially if it is something you haven't tried in years.  It may take us a while to regain the skill or learn new methods or technologies that have developed throughout the years.  If you don't give yourself enough time to revisit a passion you may be selling yourself short.
As time goes by visit each passion on your list.  Give each passion its rightful amount of time.  As you do, you will find that passion will return to your life and you will find yourself a much happier and passion filled person.
Enjoy your quest for passion!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

More on "Judgey" people

More on the "Judgey People"
The judgmental come in all shapes, sizes, colors and genders.  They come in categories as well.  Many of them gravitate towards one category, but that does not mean they do not wander vicariously into others.  When dealing with the judgmental it is often helpful to imagine you are a director on a movie set and ask yourself "what's their motivation?"  Knowing what their motivation is will help you to decide what your next move is.
Yesterday I discussed the various categories their motivation comes from and I would like to discuss each category in depth. 
Before I do that however I would like to say something important about the "judgey people" in general.  Unfortunately the ones who seem to feel the most entitled to share their opinion with us are those we love and or trust the most.  This is why their judgmental opinions are highly caustic and at times emotionally devastating. 
In general we want these people to think the best of us at all times, or at the very least give us the benefit of the doubt.  Judgmental people tend to jump to conclusions, shoot first, ask questions later and worst of all think the worst of us before knowing all the details.  When coming from someone whose opinion we thought we respected, or from someone we love dearly the emotional wounds can cut deeply, and often leave nasty scars.
Here are some quick first aid tips for dealing with these types of people:
1.  Access what they are saying to you.  This step is important because usually we feel that there is some truth in what the person said.  Think about what they said, is there any truth to it whatsoever? 
~ If so, is it something that you agree with?  If you agree there is some truth to the opinion, you have the option of addressing it on your own, or asking for more input from the person who offered their opinion.  If the person offered their opinion in a manner that was offensive with you, you have the obligation to yourself to let the person know that they were disrespectful to you.  Let them know also that in the future they should find a more positive way to share their feelings with you.
~  If their opinion was a big bucket of hogwash, you have all sorts of options open to you, first and foremost, give yourself a pep-talk!  You are allowed to be your own best friend.  Remind yourself of all the reasons the offensive behavior isn't true.
2.  Protection.  Often times the people who are most offensive to us are those closest to us.  The saying  "The best defense is a good offense" goes a long way here.  Find ways to avoid discussions and occasions where the Judgmental will feel the need to share their opinion.  If the opportunity doesn't present itself, then there will be no prospect for a judgmental decision.
3. Set Boundaries  Remember you do have the right to respectfully let people know that you are not interested in their opinion and would like it if they keep it to themselves.  This gets difficult when it is an elder such as a parent, aunt, uncle, or grandparent.  You are however a grown adult and as long as they are no longer providing you food, shelter and clothing, you really do not have to allow them to attack your self-esteem.  You can respectfully ask them to either stop sharing their opinion all together or ask them to find a more positive way of presenting it.
4.  Use a bit of Irish Diplomacy:  "Tell them to go to hell so that they look forward to the trip" or "Tell them to go copulate with themselves.  VIGOROUSLY!"
Reader Beware: The Blogs that follow will have topics that are meant to challenge you.  The idea behind them is to help you deal with judgmental people.  They also may challenge your own judgmental side.  Various topics will be presented that may truly test your limits. Consider it an exercise.  An exercise that I hope you will enjoy.

Monday, August 27, 2007

"Judgey" week with Rosemary

Judgey Week with Rosemary:
I would like to give a special thanks to Mary from "Just Mary" for naming this week "Judgy Week with Rosemary."  Mary has a gift with words that she thoughtfully shares with us in her Blog  I love the term "Judgey" and I pirated it from her.  Thank You Mary!
Dealing with Judgmental People
Judgmental people can be among the most challenging individuals to deal with.  They seem to believe that their own personal beliefs apply to all.  They also believe it is their mission to educate and enforce said beliefs without regard to others feelings.
I grew up and lived with more then my fair share of judgmental people.  Besides, kids, family, and neighbors, I had a Mom that could have written a book on how to be judgmental.  Fortunately she didn't apply it me and me alone, oh no, she shared the misery with all!  She thought that if you did not agree with her opinion, you were dirt. 
Here is a small anecdote to illustrate the situation: My mother always had short hair and for as long as she could, she made me keep my hair short.  When I was thirteen she no longer had control over my hair and I let it grow.  She never stopped reminding me that she liked my hair better shorter.  The night before she died I was visiting her in the hospital.  She had just finished complaining about the nursing staff, (another long judgmental story) when I was saying good-bye to her.  The last words out of her mouth were "I like you hair much better when it's short, you should cut it."  Those were thelast words I remember my mother speaking to me.
Dealing with Judgmental people can be stressful and painful; however, if you are equipped with the proper tools, it can actually become entertaining.
The first step to dealing with Judgmental people is to put them in their proper category.  I have found that "Judgey" types of people fall into five categories.
They are as follows:
1.  The Ignorant and/or Lazy:  These are the type of people who are either completely uninformed, or accept the opinion or teachings of others without any real knowledge or research.  These people never question the rules and are the first to say "that's not fair!"  They assault you with their personal beliefs and have the uncanny ability to make you feel worthless, even though you know they are horribly wrong in their assessment.
2.  The "Holier Then Thou:  These are the people who truly believe they are better then everyone else.  These are the people who know the rules forwards and backwards. They believe they follow the rules to the letter and that everyone else should do the same, with no exceptions. They know the right way to do everything, and they also believe it is the only way to do everything.  It works for them so it should work the same for everyone else.  These people present themselves as caring.  They believe that what they are doing or saying is for your own good.  They honestly believe that what they are doing or saying is important and that you will thank them later for saving you from yourself.
3. The Reformed:  These are the people who frown upon your behavior because they no longer engage in said behavior.  These types of people could be reformed alcoholics, drug users, smokers, over eaters, workaholics, etc.  They get preachy and will use whatever method necessary to get you to listen to them.  They and can get overly demonstrative in their zeal to convert you to their beliefs and they may also resort to embarrassing you in public.
4. The offended: This type of person is jealous or they take personal offense to whatever behavior they are judging you for.  They tend to either shun you or talk behind your back.  Dealings with this type usually are from a third person.  They tend to have a bit of paranoia and low self esteem.
5. The Prejudice:  This last group is a combination of all of the above and can be created in two ways.  One, they were brought up to be prejudiced.  Two, they were a victim of circumstance.  These people either had their belief drummed into them at a very early and impressionable age; or they experienced events or situations that seemed to support a belief or stereotype held by their family or social group.
Over the next several days I will break down each group with more specific behaviors, and offer ideas on how to deal effectively with each type. 

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Dealing with Judgmental People

Next Weeks Topic:  Dealing with Judgmental People

It has been an interesting week for me with an overall theme, both at home and in various   It seems that many of us, myself included have had to deal with some judgmental opinions from others.
I think next weeks theme will be some coaching techniques for dealing with "Judgmental People."
At the beginning of this week I put a clip in my Blog from my favorite movie "Dangerous Beauty."  With the topic of Judgmental people at hand, I would like to share the clip below.  I think it will be an interesting backdrop for the subject ahead.
The scene below takes place after Veronica Franco had seduced the French King and secured his help in Venice's war against the Turks.  Veronica is considered a national hero, to the men at least.  The wives were uneducated and knew little of what went on in politics or the world.  Veronica was summoned by her former friend, Beatrice, to a gathering of the wives of Venice.  They wanted to learn what was going on in their world.  Some wives were judgmental, some grateful.  The particularly pinched faced nasty blond is Guilia, is the wife of the man that Veronica loves, and ultimately willing to die for. 

Friday, August 24, 2007

Seduction At Its Finest

The untitled poem below was written  by an Anonymous poet in the Eighteenth Century.  I think it should be entitled:
Seduction At Its finest
I gently touch her hand: she gave
A look that did my soul enslave;
I pressed her rebel lips in vain:
They rose up to be pressed again.
     This happy, I no father meant,
     Than to be pleased and innocent.
On her soft breasts my hand I laid,
And a quick, light impression made;
They with a kindly warmth did glow,
And swelled, and seemed to overflow.
     Yet, trust me, I no father meant,
     Than to be please and innocent.
On her eyes my eyes did stay:
O'er her smooth limbs my hands did stray;
Each sense was ravished with delight,
And my soul stood prepared for flight.
     Blame me not if at last I meant
     More to be pleased then innocent.
Note from the blogger: Such seduction I have known!  I wish the same to you.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

What the.....?

 What the *%# is a MeMe?

Just resecently I learnd that those e-mails that get sent around asking a ton of questions are called a "MeMe."   I always enjoy reading others and I usually respond to them.  I also enjoy when others post theirs on their blog's.  I decided to share my most rescent with you.

Here goes:

1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?                                           I was named after my mothers sister.  She was named after a Vaudeville performer

Today.  I believe it is important to cry often.  Its cathartic
Yes!  I love it.  I tried hard to develop a nice one. 


Yes.  Definitly.

I apply it where appropriate.  There is someone I love dearly who is able to use it as a deadly weapon.  He is like a ninja.  You never see it coming, yet you are dead nonetheless.  It's a painfuldeath too.

No.  Bad Back

I'm coo coo over Cocoa Puffs

Yup.  It's a fact, but not on my own.  Friends, Family and a Deity help.

Soft Serve Vanilla in a cup with chocolate sprinkles

Their posture.  It says a lot about how they think a feel about themselves.

 15. RED OR PINK? 
Reddish Pink

Having to constantly watch what I eat.
I plead the 5th.  They know who they are.

No shoes and black and white leopard print fleece pants.

Does the glass of wine I am drinking now count?  Otherwise a slice of fresh mozzarella.

My daughter's sleep over.
Moss Green

Chardonnay. My lovers skin. A rose.  The air right after it rains.  Chocolate.

My niece Malinda.

DUH!  ( I thought this was a fairly good MeMe till this question popped up.)

Baseball, The Yankees!!  I also enjoy men's high diving.  If you want to know why, ASK.



Cheese, any kind

Happy Endings
Miss. Potter (EXCELLENT!)



Chocolate Molten cake with vanilla ice cream.  (Ruby Tuesdays has the best!)

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
A black and white sketch by Escher.

Miss Potter

My lovers sigh

Stoned Beatles.
Home is where I am, so I am always there, BUT if I have to answer geographically, California.
Yes.           'nuf said!? :::wink:::
This MeMe asked you to answer each question using the first letter in your first name:
What is your name?   Rosemary
4 letter word:  Rose
Vehicle:     Rolls Royce
TV Show:  Roseanne
City:     Rockville Centre
Boy Name:    Ritchie
Girl Name:     Roxanne
Alcoholic Drink:  Rose Wine
Occupation: Reservation agent
Something you wear: Restraints
Celebrity:  Robert Redford
Food: Recess Peanut Butter Cups
Something found in a bathroom: Rogue
Reason for Being Late:   Rendezvous (secret)
Cartoon Character:   Roger Rabbit

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Seduction: Step Three

Your last coaching assignment was to come up with a list of things that you are passionate about,  both in the past and present
Now that you have the list, lets go to Step Three:
Dissect the list.
That right.  Dissect it.  Pull it apart piece by piece. 
Look at each item on the list and describe it in detail.  Explain where you were, how old you were, what you were doing, where it happened, and why you enjoyed it. When did you stop pursuing it?  Most importantly describe how each thing made you feel and why.  This exercise should take a good amount of time too.  It could take weeks, but I will give you till next Wednesday. 
For now, let me give you and example of my own...
When I first did the exercise my list was abundant.  I will give you a brief list of the things that made me passionate when I was between the ages of 12-19.
~ Dancing
~ Kissing
~ Writing
~ Roller Skating
~ Reading
~ Travel
~ Going places alone
~ Meeting new people
~ Trying something new
~ Competing in Public Speaking
~ Acting
~ Swimming
I then dissected the list according to the guidelines above.
Here is one example.
Where was I?
I grew up in Florida.  It was always hot and there was water everywhere.  EXCEPT in my backyard!  Everyone had a pool except me.
How old were you?
This passion lasted until I was about the age of 25.
What was I doing?
Swimming anywhere and anytime I could.
Where did it happen?
Mostly in Florida, but whenever I went anywhere, I was the last one to ever leave the pool.
How did I feel when I was swimming?
I felt free.  No one was there next to me.  I could go underwater and everyone would disappear.  I was a very good swimmer.  It didn't matter how tall you were.  How heavy or skinny you were.  I didn't matter how pretty or ugly you were.  The only thing that mattered was if you could swim.  If you could swim you had control over yourself and your life.  There was freedom and control in the water.  It relieved not only the mind, but the body.  No matter how hot it was outside, it was always cooler in the water.  The overall feeling was relief and freedom.
Now its your turn.  Dissect!
Next Wednesday we will discuss Step Four.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Seduction (recap)

Last week we talked about Seduction and Passion.  
 I said that if you live your life with passion, your life will have purpose. 
For some people this can be a challenge so I broke it down into steps.
Step One:        Define Happiness  (August 14)
Step Two:       Make a list of things you enjoy, or used to enjoy.
Step Three:    Discern you passion.
Tomorrow we will discuss step three in more detail.  Make certain have spent some time doing steps one and two so that you will have the ground work laid for step three.
See you tomorrow!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

My Seduction

My Seduction.
I thought now might be a good time to share a little bit about myself and what seduces me.
For starters Love. 
"To be loved by another is to see the face of God" 
~Closing line in Les Miserables
"Just because you took a vow, doesn't mean you know how to love." 
 ~Veronica Franco, Dangerous Beauty
I love fiercely, friends and lovers alike.  I define myself by those who call me "friend."  Those who know me, know that there is nothing that I wouldn't do for them.  For me, happiness equals love.
Through others, love can be experienced in:
A lovers touch
An orgasm
A picture
A shared glass of wine
A note
A kiss
An embrace
A flower
A poem
A mutual experience
A pleasure in common
The next thing that seduces me is Learning:
Learning is another passion of mine.  I love to read, research, watch shows, any type of venue that might offer me knowledge.
My greatest learning pleasure is meeting people who are different then myself.  I enjoy getting to know others whose views or ideas are completely different then mine.  I believe that it is important to learn as much as we can about one another.  I have learned that you do not need to agree with someones ideas or life style, to find a common purpose and grounds to enjoy each others company.  I have also found that usually you have more in common then you think.  If you give a person time, commonalties will out shine the differences.
Simple pleasures seduce me.  I have a long list.
My lovers voice.
A glass of wine at the end of the day.
A terry cloth robe when I get out of the shower.
My first sip, from my first cup, of green tea with honey in the morning.
Hearing a favorite song come on the radio.
Laying down on my bed with my head on my pillow at the end of the day.
A night out with the girls.
A quite dinner at a nice restaurant.
Seeing a post on my Blog.
Meeting someone new.
Reading others stories in their blogs.
Curling up with a good book and a glass of wine.
Sitting on my front porch.
Watching my children succeed at something they desperately wanted to.
Riding my bicycle.
Making a great dinner that everyone enjoyed.
A clean house.
A weeded garden.
A long drive.
A walk in the park.
A visit to a museum.
A compliment, and giving a compliment.


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Seduction and Passion

The scene below is from my favorite movie, Dangerous Beauty.  It is a true story about a 15th century courtesan named Veronica Franco.  Courtesans where the most highly educated and powerful women of their time.  Veronica was the best. 
Shortly before this scene was shot Venice was about to go to war with the Turks.  Without France's ships Venice would have lost the war against the Turk's.  Veronica, single handed, saved Venice by seducing the sadistic French king, and there by securing his support of the war as well.
In the scene below Veronica was about to be condemned to death.  She was so passionate about her life and her love, she would rather face certain death, then to deny her life and what she believed in.
I highly respect her.  I like to think I live my life with the same passion and purpose she did and with the willingness to die to protect it.
A little side note:
I auditioned for a theater company and used the above monologue.  I landed a place in the company.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Leave a Kiss

"To Ceila" 
by Ben Johnson
Drink to me only with thine eyes
And I will pledge with mine.
Or leave a kiss within the cup
And I'll not ask for wine.
The thirst that from the soul doth rise
Doth ask a drink divine;
But might I of Jove's nectar sip,
I would not change for thine.

I sent thee late a rosy wreath,
Not so much hon'ring thee
As giving it a hope that there
It could not withered be;
But thou thereon did'st only breathe,
And sent'st it back to me,
Since when it grows and smells, I swear
Not of itself, but thee.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I've Been Seduced?

I've Been Seduced?

Ok we are back to seduction.  The last assignment (Step One in Finding Your Passion) was to define happiness.  Today's entry is for those of you who don't know what their passion is.

It's the second step in finding your passion. 

Step Two: If you can't figure out what your passion is, go back to the beginning.

Answer this question:  What used to seduce you?

If you have a pretty clear understanding what makes you happy and what doesn't you can now begin to find your passion.  You now have a basis on which you can be seduced.
Over the next couple of days make a list of things you enjoy, or used to enjoy.  This takes time.  It should take at least a week.  Include any person, thought, activity or incident that you truly enjoyed.  Go all they way back to your childhood and all the years between then and now.  Describe each thing in as much detail as you possibly can, then describe how each made you feel.
This exercise is time consuming yet wholly worth the effort.  Next Wednesday we will discuss the second phase of this exercise.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Holy Cow!

The Scooter has died!

Phil Rizzuto, a Yankee Hero, Hall of Framer and an American Icon, has passed away.

I am not a sports writer, I will leave that to the very qualified professionals.  I did however want to pay tribute to a man whom I respected and enjoyed.  I am deeply saddened we have lost him.  He will be sorely missed.

God bless him and his family!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Seduce Me!

Seduce Me!

Many of us are in situations where it seems futile to even dream of seduction.  This is when dispair and depression creep in, take hold, and in some cases, paralize you. 

 Again I ask, what seduces you?

Knowing what your passion is will make a huge difference in your life.  You will wake each morning excited.  You will feel alive and have a sense of purpose.  Life will be something that you truly live.

The ability to discern what your passion is, when you believe you have no clue, takes a bit of effort and imagination.

Here is the first step:
Define Happiness
What is your definition of "Happy"
Many people say things like, if I had a million dollars, I would be happy.  If I had the right partner, I would be happy.  If my kids would just behave, I would be happy.  What they don't realize is they are expecting outside influences to make them happy. 
So today's assuagement is: Define happiness in your own words.  What does it feel like?  What do you need, as opposed to what do you want?  What are your limitations physically or mentally?  What can you do to either work with those limitations or correct them? 
Just as important, what makes you unhappy, and why?
Tomorrow we will discuss how this information will help you find your passion.



Monday, August 13, 2007

You Seduced Me...

You Seduced Me...  and I was willing to be seduced.


What seduces you? 
To know what seduces you, is to know your passion.
To know your passion, is to know your purpose. 
To live life with passion, is to live life with purpose.
Have you ever been seduced?  I have.  It is something that I hope all of you have encountered.  If you have not experienced seduction, I highly recommend you seek out the experience.  You have not truly lived until you have been seduced.
The quotation above "You seduced me ... and I was willing to be seduced" is from a documentary called "Into Great Silence."  It is a documentary about the life of Monks in the French Alps who belong to the Carthusian order.  They live life in complete silence, but with passion and purpose.
This week we will talk about seduction, passion and purpose.
What seduces you?

Saturday, August 11, 2007


I've had a busy few day's and some internet connetion problems.  This caused a delay in todays post.   Because of this, I have decided to save todays post for Monday.  Enjoy your weekend!

~ Rosemary

Friday, August 10, 2007

Hope Is The Thing With Feathers!

When you worry, find hope.   Hope can litterally save your life!

Hope Is The Thing With Feathers                                                                                         by Emily Dickinson

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me

Thursday, August 9, 2007

What's a Life Coach?

 Whats a Life Coach?

Many people have never heard of a life coach, or what a life coach does. So today I will address that. 

Life Coaching is away of creating change in your life.  Life Coaching is NOT counseling or therapy.  Life Coaching sees the client as a  whole and healthy person.  Coaching is just that, Coaching.  I will help you bring out your resourcefulness and you will find new ways to slove problems and create the change you want in your life.  If you are interested in learning more about coaching stop by my web site and continue to read my blog.  I post coaching asigments and principles to further your understanding of how life coaching can work.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Don't Take My Word For It.


Until you spread your wings, you'll never know how far you can walk.

We have spent a good amount of time talking about worry.  One last word on that topic and then we move on.  Another way to keep your mind off of worry and focus on more positive out comes is to surround yourself with things that will keep you thinking positive.  I like to use quotes, I put them on cards and stick them in places I will see them often.
Here are a few of my favorites:
Great Sprits have always encountered violent opposition from inferior minds.
                                                               ~Albert Einstein
A ship in a harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.
                                                                 ~John Shedd
There is no safety in numbers, or anything else.
                                                                 ~James Thurber
"The fearless are merely fearless.  Those who act in spite of their fear are truly brave."
                                                                ~ James A LaFond-Lewis
And because I have a twisted sense of humor I enjoy the products from a lovely company called  Demotivation.  You can find their products at
Here are a few examples of their work, though I highly suggest you visit their extraordinarily entertaining web site.
above: It Could Be that the Purpose of Your life is Only to Serve as a Warning to Others.
The quotation above by the penguins is also on a poster from Demotivation.



Tuesday, August 7, 2007

While you are worrying...

While you are worrying...
Yesterday we talked about limiting the time you are worrying.  Today I would like to offer an idea on how to make that time productive. 
Worry is simply the product of fear.  Fear is a product of the unknown.  The unknown is always fearful.  The longest best selling book in history is filled with stories of fear and the stories always begin with some angel announcing "Be not afraid!"  (The best seller, in case you were wondering: The Bible) Fear AKA. Worry, will paralyze you.
While you are worrying let your worry empower you instead of paralyze you.  As you worry contemplate the worst case scenario, then consider a solution for whatever it is you believe could happen.  Keep it going though, consider every possibility of the absolute worst thing that can happen. 
Let's continue on with our example from yesterday: Worry that the car will break down.
Worst case scenario:
I won't have a car and if I don't have a car I can't go to work and if I can't go to work I will loose my job.
~ Wake early enough to make sure you can implement an alternative plan if your car doesn't start or breaks down
~ Plan ahead for a ride from a coworker should you have car trouble.
~ Have spare cash set aside to have the car fixed.
~ Make arrangements with a friend or family member to borrow a car or give you rides.
~ Learn your public transportation options.
~ Have back up transportation  (bike, scooter, another car)
~ Have spare cash put aside in case you need to take a cab.
Worst case scenario
If my car breaks down and I am in the middle of no where I could be attacked.
~ Have your car checked by your mechanic, or learn to check it yourself on a regular basis. (belts, oil, tires)
~ Always make sure you have a 1/4 tank of gas in your vehicle.
~ Find routs to and from where you are going that are well populated
~ Carry a cell phone.
~ Know where there are police stations or safe places to drive to if you think you are being followed.
~ Have your cell phone on your seat next to you and always make sure it is well charged.
I think you have the idea.  Once you have your worst case scenario, come up with as many solutions as possible.  Brain storm, ask other for input, research.  Become as well informed as you possibly can.  Remember it is fear that is causing this worry.  It is best if you write this down and keep it with you so you can look at it or add to it whenever your worry crops up.  Once you have come up with your solutions, find the ones that work, and every time start to worry, remind yourself that you now have a plan.  Then you can stop worrying.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Scarlet O'Hara

The Scarlet O'Hara Method of Dealing With Worry
Well, I guess I've done murder. I won't think about that now. I'll think about that tomorrow.                       ~ Scarlet O'Hara
Now scarlet really hadn't committed murder.  She simply defended Melanie's honor and herself.
There is the Scarlet O'Hara Method of dealing with worry.  Worry about it tomorrow!  If you really feel the need to worry, put a time limit on it.  It's very simple and practical.  It also works!
Whatever it is you are worried about., when you start to notice yourself worrying, say to yourself, "I will worry about it tomorrow."  If that doesn't make you automatically stop worrying, put a time limit on how long you will focus on worrying about it.  Then worry for only as long as your limit, then put it aside for tomorrow.
For instance: Let's say you are worried that your car will break down.  As soon as the thought enters your head, stop and say to yourself, "I can't worry about that now, I will worry about that tomorrow!"  If you continue to worry, take a look at your watch, say to yourself, "I will only think about this for 5 minuets, then I won't allow myself to think about it again, until tomorrow."  Now go ahead an worry, imagine all the things you usually do. When the five minutes are up, stop worrying! Yup, just stop, and think about it tomorrow.  It will still be there if you choose to worry about it.  In the mean time, you will be able to focus on today, instead of your worry. 
It tomorrow you start to worry about your car again, repeat the above process only each day, lessen the amount of time you will allow yourself to worry.
This exercise requires discipline but its rewards are many.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Three Little Birds

In an effort to relieve your burden of worry, please enjoy the video below!

Thank You to loveroftwo at YouTube for the above video

If that didn't make you feel good you have a long road ahead! 
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