You Seduced Me... and I was willing to be seduced.
What seduces you?
To know what seduces you, is to know your passion.
To know your passion, is to know your purpose.
To live life with passion, is to live life with purpose.
Have you ever been seduced? I have. It is something that I hope all of you have encountered. If you have not experienced seduction, I highly recommend you seek out the experience. You have not truly lived until you have been seduced.
The quotation above "You seduced me ... and I was willing to be seduced" is from a documentary called "Into Great Silence." It is a documentary about the life of Monks in the French Alps who belong to the Carthusian order. They live life in complete silence, but with passion and purpose.
This week we will talk about seduction, passion and purpose.
What seduces you?
wild thunderstorms seduce me. they beckon and call 'come outside and watch us....' wind...rain...booming thunder... ::happy sigh::
My hubby.... he is the culprit of seduction. Hugs,
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