Thursday, October 25, 2007


This is me before

When you want to stay inspired, visualization is aided by reminders.  Put up pictures of the goals you are working towards.  You can also place inspiring quotes everywhere you will see them. If you have a special house in mind, put pictures of it everywhere.  If you want a specific job, find pictures or phrases that will remind you of what you are working towards.  Let me give you a personal example:
I was always slightly over weight, but after having kids I really let myself go.  I needed to loose about 50 pounds.  Now I know that doesn't sound like a lot, however I am only five feet tall.  I needed to drop, at the very least, four pants sizes.  I always struggled with my weight and was unsure if I could succeed.  I desperately wanted to have a better figure and be healthy.  I read and learned everything I could about how to loose weight and tone up.  I imagined the clothes I could wear and how good I would look and feel. Then I took it one step further.  I put pictures of models everywhere.  On my desk, in my medicine cabinet, on my refrigerator.  Anywhere and everywhere I could think of.  I wanted and needed to be constantly reminded of what it was I was working towards.  And, it happened!  Not only did I loose all of my wight, I got in better shape then I had ever been in in my life!  As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be able to fit into my wedding dress today as it would be too big!
This is me after:


Anonymous said...

That first picture???   That is NOT you!!  Some kind of trick photography at work here.    I know youve told me for years that this story you narrate is in fact...true.   However, I think more you were trippin on acid or something and have CONVINCED yourself that is you.

On the other hand, let me say just say you have aged like a fine.... fine wine.


Anonymous said...

well you look great!  thanks for sharing this, it has inspired me yet again to get on track.  I have been life events defeat me over the past few weeks and I need to take control of it and stop letting it control me!  God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Whatever works, eh?  You do look good and healthy, that's a fact.  CATHY

Anonymous said...

I'm currently gaining some weight, but whenever I try to visualize myself thinner, a vision of steaming hot tamales pops in and then I'm screwed.  ;-P
