I started this Journal/Blog back in June of "07 to help people understand what Life Coaching is and how it works. I also wanted my clients to be able to get to know me so that they could make an educated decision on whether or not they would like to work with me.
I hope those who stop here will find comfort, inspiration, hope, and love.
It is rare that I post my personal beliefs about anything because in the spirit of coaching, what I think or believe is not important. My job as a coach is to draw out your own thoughts and feelings that so that you can feel confident in the decisions you make.
I do however, on occasion post things that I find that inspires my spirit, in hopes that it will inspire yours as well.
I am thankful for this venue and the wonderful people that come to visit and post notes. It is this encouragement that we offer to one another that makes me proud to be part of such a community.
AWWWWW. Guess what? We love you too. Keep up the good work.
Hugs, Joyce
I always enjoy stopping by your journal!! You have great entries!! And yes, many inspirational and hopeful thoughts!
It is a two-way street :-)
I enjoy your journal and what you write; honestly, I don't know much about life coaching so its fascinating to read what you include about it, etc.
hi, i haven't been reading your journal for long but i have enjoyed your words, and found them thought provoking. take care mrs t xx
I've found journals to indeed be a wonderful forum to get to know one another. And the pleasure is all ours dear one! (Hugs) Indigo
And yes, I seem to be playing catch up these days...(winks) Indy
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