I often give workshops on parenting and I like to open the workshop with a list of 10 things that children need the most. Here is the list:
1. Love and affection.
2. Responsibility. Giving your child responsibilities gives them a sense of being in control of their lives.
3. Acknowledgment. Praise your children for their accomplishment and for the fulfillment of their responsibilities.
4. Trust. Allow your children the ability to earn your trust and to build upon it. It is important for them to make mistakes that they can learn from.
5. Relaxation. Like all of us children need a safe haven where they can feel safe and secure and free from nagging, scolding or demands.
6. Exercise. Limit the amount of time they sit in front of the TV or Video games. Physical exercise is important.
7. Spirituality. Share your belief system with your children. The world can be a cold and cruel place and knowing what your believe spiritually can be of comfort to them as well.
8. To feel needed. This is the basic need for any human being and children are no exception. They need to know that not only are we there to tell them what to do, they need to know that we need them as well.
9. Individuality. Children need to be able to express themselves, their thoughts and feelings, in a safe and non-judgmental environment. This fosters openness and facilitates communication.
10. Hope. Every family at one time or another deals with challenges that are difficult to say the least. Often these are life altering and or devastating. How you deal with them and how you present these situations to your children can alter who they are. Presenting them with hope will create in them a spirit that is resilient.
Great List! One worth keeping!
You may be the smartest woman I know. I am printing this out to give to my daughter. Thank you.
Hugs, Joyce
I'm going to share this with a friend of mine with young kids; very wise advice!
This is a great entry!
We often forget that our children are people in their own right and need these things as well.
great entry, just what i needed right now, my eldest is behaving out of character. I will copy this to show my husband if that is ok? Thank-you. take care mrs t xx
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