Back on May 3 I shared pictures of a car that drives around my area. If you would like to refresh your memory click here
Now the other day I saw the car go by and it no longer had ANY antlers attached. Instead it has what you are about to see. I had to go track the car down and while its driver was in the store I was able to snap the picture. I had to wait a few minutes before I did so because the man who owns the car cleaned up all of the shopping carts that were staggered around the parking lot. He collected about 6 of them and brought them up to the store before he went in to do his shopping. (I thought that was a particularly nice thing for him to do!) As you look at the transformation that this vehicle has undergone I would like you to pay particularly close attention to the back seat of the car.
Can you see it? The back seat is loaded with Stuffed Animals!
Does this bike make my ass look fat? (too late! It's bought and paid for!)
I dropped her already! Don't worry, no one got hurt. Not even a scratch. I spent an hour going around the block stopping and starting and trying not to look like I was going to get tossed off the thing every time I accelerated. The whole block had a good laugh! It isn't as easy as it looks, but I am loving the challenge. I have a goal for June 7. I have a retreat to go to at a Friary on the north shore of the islan. I think it would be a blast to be able to ride it there. All the conditions have to be perfect for that happen.
In closing I thought I would share these pictures of my cat with you. Her name is Mistopholese, we call her Misty for short. (Emily named her after the black magical cat in Cat's the Broadway play.) Misty cuddled up with Tickle Me Elmo. If you have never experienced him he laughs and vibrates. Emily received Elmo when she was three for her birthday. It was before they were a big rage. That Christmas it was THE hottest gift for kids. My only thought when she got it was "my daughter gets her first vibrator at the age of three!"
My friend the Motorcycle Momma. Too cool Rosemary. Please be careful. I know your mother must be out of her mind with
Hugs, Joyce
Wow, you look powerful on that motorcycle! I would be scared on there, LOL!
Krissy :)
You are my hero! I've always wanted to learn to ride and with the gas prices now and a 45 minute commute (a $70 dollar a week commute!) to work and back, I've been thinking more and more seriously about it -- but I'm too much of a chicken!! Keep motivating and inspiring me and maybe I'll get over it and get on with the program! Hugs, Martha :-)
I hope you wear a helmet :) (sorry, its the mom in me, LOL)
you look great on the bike; please do be careful
I wonder if the same person owns that car! What a difference between the car of death and its new form!
Is that really you on that bike? You are so much braver than I am. LOL. Sam would instantly be your friend if he saw that motorcycle.
Oh, I like the ninja turtle better than the antlers. LOL You look great on the bike, however, I will worry just a little bit about you. And where is your helmet?? Love, Val xox
woohoo! Hot Momma!!! Come pick me up!! um. Maybe when you've practiced a little more though. LOL
love you...
You're braver than I am on the motorcycle! You look great!
Hi, Love the bike and ENJOY! I love to ride but as a passenger. I am lucky enough to enjoy a convertible though!
I am new here at aol journals; I am truly responding to Inspiration
because I wanted to share with you how your message of hoping you inspire others to believe in themselves how been achieved with me. Thank you, Doreen.
Love the bike!!! What a perfect size for you. :) With your will Im sure you'll be a pro in no time!!
( I do hope you ARE wearing a helmut.)
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