Monday, June 30, 2008

I could use a hand here!

       anna5.png Helping Hand image by darkluv86

I could use some help.  I am trying to launch the "Pay It Forward" "Nice Matters" idea and I am begining with trying to find a new logo for it.  Can everyone in J-Land please help.  If you have ever given or received the Nice Matters Award, can you please forward this link 

and this one 

to everyone you know who has gotten the award so that they can join in helping in this project?

Thank You!



Anonymous said...

I have been given the award and have passed it to several people although I cannot remember who now.

Anonymous said...

P.S.  I have passed on the link in my latest entry.

Anonymous said...

You got it!  Will do!

Anonymous said...

I'm still working on the sticker.  I hope to come up with something =).  I received the award and passed it on.  Gee, I don't remember who I passed it on to.  LOL.. I will strain my brain.  LOL  Hugs to you, Rosemary! xox