This is an organization committed to propagating world peace. It's easy and free to join. They actually don't want your money at all and they say it!
They simply ask that you to sign their Goodwill Treaty and display it in an area where everyone can see. Then fax or e-mail a copy of the agreement to them. Additionally if you have a blog, journal or web site they ask that you display their banner and links on it.
It's that simple! Take a look by clicking on the link below and if it is something you feel strongly about please join me and sign the treaty:
Love this idea rosemary...but FYI...can't click on the link. Maybe we need to copy and paste the website there.
Just here to help! : )
seems like a worthy venture of theirs; I read it but I couldn't sign it; I believe we will have world peace only with the help of the Lord; there was no mention of him so I couldn't sign it
Instinct tell me not to; have no idea why..........alice
I'm kind of with Alice... I will take a look though. Thanks Rosemary.
Hugs, Joyce
Ahh, you know me by now R. To me, unfortunately, World Peace is real complicated. Cause everyone does not play by the same rules & never will. It sounds like a silly comparison, but years ago I was running a medical practice & I contacted some doctors THAT SWORE they wouldn't sign up with certain insurance plans that offered patients sub care in return for cheap rates. We'd all lose some money, but it was better for the health of the patients in the long run. Uhm, except everyone (THAT SWORE THEY WOULDN'T) signed up except for my practice.....World Peace is going to work if everyone signs up, but they won't....not when it comes down to what they want against peace.
ps thanks for the email. i had not realized i won.
World peace would be nice wouldn't it..wishing you a great week..Hugs,TerryAnn
Because my comment may sound angsty and abrasive, please allow me to introduce myself first.
My name is Cricket, and I am an artist in all forms from art and music, to fashion and and archeticural design. I aspire to inspire, as it seems you do.
That being said, I think the concept of "world peace" is idealistic and impossible. In my opinion, the global agreement of all things, the universal monotony of mind; the singularity of life required for world peace is not a desirable utopia. As an avid atheist and a member of the cyber comunity, as an artist, and as a thinker, I advocate what I call the right to exist, and the right to assert your existence. I stand for the responcibility we all have has inteligent, sentient beings who perceive life with our own vivid imaginations, to personify that perception through who we are. My logic does not allow the absence of conlict, infact, my utopia depends on it. Evolution depends on the compitition of concepts, the fight to be present.
In spite of our differing attidutes toward world peace, Ive introduced myself to you because youve mentioned that as a life coach you work with peoples tallents to facilitate their potential. I think I have a lot for you to work with, and I could really use your help.
Cool, I will have to check it out.
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