Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Give me strength!

Keeping with the "Fresh Start" topic most people have two main challenges when starting something new, or re-starting something they had success at before.
The first challenge is setting a clear cut goal, the second challenge comes from trying to "fix" everything all at once.
The way to over come the first challenge is to write out what your goal is.  Then write out what it will look like and feel like to reach your goal.  Last, write out what your reasons will be for not reaching or completing your goal.
The way to over come the second challenge of trying to "fix" everything all at once is to take a very close look at what you just wrote.  Then write out all the steps you will need to reach the goal.  Clearly define what you find most challenging and what the difficult obstacles will be.  Then break them down to one or two week "changes" that are more easily mastered.
Good Luck!!!


Anonymous said...

I have my goal set.  Now if I could only convince my well meaning neighbor that I really can't have coconut cake and peanut butter fudge (both still warm).  Grrrr.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

I want Joyces neighbor!!!  LOL!!!  Thanks for the tip, Rosemary!!


Anonymous said...

I double that comment from Joann; I want Joyce's neighbor too!

but you are right, Rosemary; great advice; too many people try to fix every single problem they have at once and give up every single bad habit in their attempts to lose 25 pounds in 10 days and they fail; small consistent changes do the best

thanks :)


Anonymous said...

I'm of the mind for the second part of the challenge. Unfortunately the contractors can't seem to be on the same time line and need to follow the first, set a goal and stick to it. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say congrats on being a guest editor!  -Dawn-

Anonymous said...

congrats Rosemary on winning the weekly sentence over at Val's!! this was your week in the limelight, LOL, guest editor and winner!!! congrats all around; that was a cute sentence; that Lazy William!!!


Anonymous said...

Excellent entry, Rosemary.  I will do this when I have time.  Ya, that is what I keep saying.  No, I really have a white notebook set up and everything.  I just have to follow through.  I will go right now and fill out part of my plan for my exercise program!  Thanks for this!  While I already understood the concepts, I just needed somebody to say, now go, and carry it out!  Sometimes we need that...  

Okay, so congrats on being guest editor, and congrats on winning the Weekly Sentence With Val!

Krissy :)

Anonymous said...

I agree! It is along this line that I have been presenting my challenge. If I were to write out the whole plan at once, it would be too overwhelming. I like one step at a time, yet moving forward quickly, some people prefer baby steps. I have to see results and fast to stay motivated. Martha :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on this week's sentence.

Anonymous said...

Great advice from you as always. I really, really listened and have started a list. I'm starting a "dream" I've always wanted to be 100% dedicated to and your entry has really helped me.
I was pleased to see that you were selected as Guest Editor....CONGRADULATIONS!!!! :)

Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

Where be you, Rosemary?
