Monday, September 8, 2008

It's Monday... and a new begining.

exercise.jpg image in Motivate Me

As I mentioned last week, I often feel like this time of year is a great time to "start over" or begin new things.  Normally I spend the summer months relaxing and getting in shape.  This summer did not afford me that opportunity and I am starting to feel like a slug as I have not been able to work out.

I have always found it is easier to get myself back in prime shape over the summer months and keep it going during the fall and winter months. As that didn't happen this year, I must make a commitment to doing it now.
Being a coach I feel it is very important to have experience when coaching someone on a particular venue.  I never ask a client to do anything I have not done myself.  This way I know the challenges as well as the hints and applications that make their goals more attainable.
I have coached quite a few clients through weight loss and getting into shape.  I do not ask anyone to even consider trying anything I have not tried myself.  Any one who has decided that now was the time to get in shape please consider joining me. 
Martha at Life's Little Challenges has set forth a challenge to join her.  I am jumping on her band wagon and working her exercise program with her.  Her journal is private however if you would like to gain access to it, please e-mail Martha at lifes2odd or myself and she will grant you access. 
I began my program last night.  It started by doing this 8 minute workout.
Additionally, remember to stay well hydrated.  I drank a half a bottle of beer while doing it.  It was kind of fun.  Made me feel like I was in a club!  (I told Martha about this and she suggested that if I really want to push myself hard enough I needed to try harder to down the whole beer in the 8 minutes)
So yesterday I pushed myself harder!  I downed the whole beer and added 75 crunches! (Martha out lines this in her journal)  I felt great when I was done so I popped open another beer.  I was so charged up I thought I might go down and do 15 min of cardio on my LifeStep.  But... I looked at my beer and didn't think it would go well in a sports bottle so I decided to put the cardio on hold till tomorrow.
So... it is all tested and approved... Today I go back on my nutrition program and add the exercise sans alcohol.
If you want to join Martha and I please let me know!
Last April I started a nutrition program that has worked some amazing magic.  I hope to share it with you next month as I am on that tail end of checking it out and testing it.


Anonymous said...

I'll check out Martha's journal/her challenge; I'm in; I've been exercising/watching my weight since first part of June and am down 18 pounds as of the end of August; the challenge will help me keep motivated, but I think I'll skip the beer :)


Anonymous said...

OK, I am over at Martha's ALL THE TIME and I am doing her challenge too...but she NEVER mentioned the beer!!! Wait till I get my hands on her.....(ROFL!!!!!)

I'm looking to drop quite a bit of weight myself and look forward to any other thoughts/ideas/inspirations you may have!!

Beer, huh???? (LOL!!)


Anonymous said...

I hope everyone knows the beer isn't really a part of the program! LOL! Well, actually it is fine on the weekend, everyone gets at least one day a week to have anything they want - beer, pizza, chocolate, whatever!
Martha :-)

Anonymous said...

You do know how fattening beer is right?  LOL.  You are a hoot Rosemary.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

My favorite routine is the exercise trampoline. Sigh...unfortunately that is on hold until the house repairs are done...Don't these guys realize i would be in a much better frame of mind with my usually routines NOT being interrupted? (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

I am just now finding this.  I would love to be part of a challenge to exercise.  If I did so, would I have to work the same exercise program though?  I could make a commitment to work one of my own.  But not go off the commitment plan.  What say you?

Krissy :)