How do I know if I am a pessimist?
You may be a pessimist and not even know it. Many people are pessimists, yet they believe they are optimistic.
When you are driving, do you think to yourself “I hope I don’t get into an accident.”
How about when you get a new appliance do you think “I hope this one doesn’t break to quickly.”
When you start dating someone new do you think “I hope I don’t get dumped or hurt like I did the last time.”
When you meet new people, do you think “I hope they are not snobs.”
When you are driving to work do you think any of the following thoughts;
“I hope my boss isn’t an idiot today.”
“I hope I don’t get laid off today.”
“I really hope (insert name) doesn’t start in with me again today.”
These are all pessimistic thoughts. Here is what you are really saying:
I know I am going to get in to an accident on my way to buy my new appliance. Which I hate having to buy because the last one broke down and this one is just going to break down too.
And that date I made for later, he/she is most likely going to be like all the others. It will start out great and then BAM a few weeks later they have me hook line and sinker. Then they will dump me.
To make matters worse that’s when work will blow up and that big lay off will hit, then I will be out of a job on top of having to pay for the banged up car and the new appliance I just bought.
Now, I know what you are thinking, you are saying, “Rosemary, Rosemary, that is not what I said, I said I DIDN’T want these things to happen!”
And my reply: Yes I know, but you are still focusing on the getting in the accident, having your appliance break, meeting someone who will hurt you and losing your job.
A more powerful way to create what you want would be to focus on the things you DO want.
For example; “My trip will be safe, I am buying a quality piece of equipment that will last a reasonable amount of time, He/She will be different because I will be different.
Find the positive things about your work situation. Perhaps co-workers you enjoy, or even the work itself. Focus on the positives and the things you DO want. Give THEM the energy and the negatives will slowly fade away to a very manageable level.