Are We There Yet?
In 1998 I set off on a cross country trip with my family. The trip was to last six weeks, take us to California and back, and include visits to nine baseball parks, six national parks, two amusement parks and a renaissance fair. We packed up the Suburban and headed west. Two hours into the trip, which already included a lunch break, my five year old daughter pops the question, “are we there yet?” She had no understanding of the magnitude of the trip we were about to take, she just wanted to know when the fun would start.
So it is with out dreams. We want to know how long it will be before manifestation. Will it happen quickly or will it take forever. There is no real solution for this. There are however ways of encouraging progress.
The first way, as we discussed previously, is to learn how to manage the negative voices inside your head. Another way is to learn how to maintain focus. If we learn to develop unwavering focus, our desires will manifest at a more rapid pace. Focus isn’t always that easy to maintain. It is like a muscle that requires training.
Over the next several days develop a list of things that tend to distract you. Take your time and include as much detail as possible. Write down everything that comes to your mind. You may even want to carry a sheet of paper in your pocket or purse so that you will be able to jot things down at a moments notice.
If you are saying to yourself, “geeze this is too much work”, you might want to include that as #1 on your list.
We will continue this exercise next week, so do you homework!
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