No Doubt!
Have you ever heard of the “Law of Gravity?” It goes sort of like this, “If you fall off of a 10 story building you will hit the pavement." It doesn’t matter what kind of person you are, saint or sinner. You are still going to plummet to the ground and smack against the pavement. It isn’t the fall that kills you, it’s the sudden stop! The law is just a law.
I am a bit of a rebel however and believe that laws are meant to be broken or bent. There are ways to soften the blow or defy gravity. Choose your weapon, hang glider, parachute, hot air balloon, plane, I could keep going but you get the picture.
In previous Blogs we have been speaking about believing in your dreams.
There is another law, its called “The Law of Attraction”. It goes sort of like this; "If you wish it, if you ask for it, if you believe it will happen, then the law is applied and your desire will manifest itself to you."
However, rules, can be broken and so can this one. There is a very quick and easy way to break this one. In my opinion it is the EASIEST law to break. This law is broken by doubt, pessimism, or negativity. Like the pavement, your doubt is the brick wall that your dreams will smash against.
There is no room for doubt. If you already believe it is yours, then LIVE your life like you have it. FEEL how good it is to have it. Be THANKFUL that it has been given to you. Do whatever you can to squash any pessimism.
It’s all in your ATTITUDE, so have NO DOUBT!!!!
For more information on this read "The Secret"
Because I know a few of you out there are a bit "slothful" here is a video of the first 20 minutes of the MOVIE "The Secret". There's a book AND aMOVIE!
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