Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Peter Pan Method to Patience

The Peter Pan Method to Peace

The Peter Pan Method to dealing with frustrationi and having patience is FIND YOUR HAPPY PLACE!
Remember when Peter Pan was trying to teach Wendy and the boys how to fly?  He told them that they had to find their happy place.  They had to think happy thoughts, this way they would be able to fly.
This does take practice.  Lots of it!  It also helps to try it when you don't need patience, or when your patience is only being tried just a little bit.
Amy commented in a previous Blog that people admire her patience.  That doesn't come from being tired!  When you are tired, your nerves are usually raw and you want to belt the first person who gets on the last never you have left.  I am guessing Amy has learned to find her happy place.  That's the place you can go to in you mind where you realize that what you are experiencing is a) normal b) necessary c) fleeting and d) comical. (Someday, it certainly isn't funny but someday you will look back and laugh.)
Find that spot in your mind that takes you away to a place of peace, happiness and positive energy.  This is not escaping, it is not denial.  This is the power that all the great minds knew.  Negativity, anger and reaction to those feelings can be very harmful to you.  Finding a place of peace and patience will help you to step back from what you are experiencing, and allow you to have a clear mind to deal with the issue.
Try experiencing patience by finding your "Happy Place."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing at this entry.  I try to find my Happy Place frequently.  When I'm stressed or tired, I will look at my 17 year old and say "Ok...I'm drained.  Help me - where is my Happy Place today?"  She will name off places or things til I say "ooooo...good one!  Thank you!"  The last Happy Place was 'with Lestat from Queen of the Damned?'  oooooo - good one!  LOL
