What Pushes Your Buttons?
Look at your list, how many things do you have on it? I would like to take a guess and say that if you made a list of your pet peeves the exact same things would be on your list. The more you have on this list the more likely you are to have high stress level.
Take a look at what gets you frustrated and answer the following questions:
- If I found out I had only a week to live, would this still matter to me?
- Does what frustrates me affect my quality of life, or others quality of life?
- Will my reaction to this frustration improve my quality of life?
- Will others benefit from my reaction to this particular frustration?
- Do I react to my frustration in a way I am proud of?
If you answered yes’s to the above questions then your frustrations are most likely few and you are using them to make the world a better place.
If your answers to the above questions are no’s then your frustrations are most likely abundant and making your life miserable and quite possibly the people around you as well.
Take some time to analyze the list and tomorrow we will discuss ways to handle that which you find frustrating.
1 comment:
I had to stifle my laughter when I read the subject. Girl, we do not have enough time in the world......LOL
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