Saturday, August 18, 2007

Seduction and Passion

The scene below is from my favorite movie, Dangerous Beauty.  It is a true story about a 15th century courtesan named Veronica Franco.  Courtesans where the most highly educated and powerful women of their time.  Veronica was the best. 
Shortly before this scene was shot Venice was about to go to war with the Turks.  Without France's ships Venice would have lost the war against the Turk's.  Veronica, single handed, saved Venice by seducing the sadistic French king, and there by securing his support of the war as well.
In the scene below Veronica was about to be condemned to death.  She was so passionate about her life and her love, she would rather face certain death, then to deny her life and what she believed in.
I highly respect her.  I like to think I live my life with the same passion and purpose she did and with the willingness to die to protect it.
A little side note:
I auditioned for a theater company and used the above monologue.  I landed a place in the company.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A very good choice!  You surely then admire Joan d'Arc and what she endured.  Many say she was caught in hallucinations brought about by her fervent love of God but who's to say?  This woman who lead the French army to victory claimed to hear voices of the saints and angels.  Burned alive for her unwillingness to simply say, "I made a mistake."  Amazing, people are.  CATHY