Thursday, July 31, 2008

Nice Matters Final Vote

The final vote for the Nice Matter Logo award begins today.  In the mean time I am working on making all materials availible for free to all who are interested.  Additionally, if you do not want to download and create your own I will have them availible for a very low cost of whatever postage and materails will be.  I am guessing it will be about $3 to $4 dollars for a kit of about 10 awards, but I am still working on that. 

Stop by Magic Smoke and vote!


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

...and world peace.

I have spent quite a bit of my time over the last month reading and researching about some of my new endeavors.  During that process I came across a couple of organizations I would like to bring to your attention.  Today I would like to highlight the "Treaty For World Peace".
This is an organization committed to propagating world peace.  It's easy and free to join.  They actually don't want your money at all and they say it!
They simply ask that you to sign their Goodwill Treaty and display it in an area where everyone can see.  Then fax or e-mail a copy of the agreement to them.  Additionally if you have a blog, journal or web site they ask that you display their banner and links on it. 
It's that simple!  Take a look by clicking on the link below and if it is something you feel strongly about please join me and sign the treaty:

Monday, July 28, 2008

Nice Matters Plans.

I am very excited to unveil the "Nice Matters" award that we will be able to share with our friends, families, co-workers, and perfect strangers.  We are all sharing in picking the final logo design which is very exciting to me.  By Thrusday August 6, 2008 we should have the final votes in and our Logo decided upon.

Once that is completed we can then start sharing the award. 

I am currently creating a certificate that will presented with the logo sticker.  There will be three options avaible to obtain copies of this award.

1.  Make photo copies of the blank award you were given and pass them on.

2.  Print out the award by visiting the web site (I'm creating it) and clicking on the "Nice Matters" Logo.  You can print out all the materials needed to create your own "Nice Matters" award presentation kit.

3.  Call, write or e-mail me to obtain a "Nice Matters" award package.  This is basically free of charge.  There will be a nominal fee to cover printing and postage.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I'm Back!

Dear Readers,
I am officially back!  It has been a month since my last real entry and there has been much excitement in my life since then. 
While I was gone I took two weeks of vacation.  I also worked diligently on the "Nice Matters" concept which I will share with you this week.  Additionally I have been researching and testing two new products that I am very excited about and will share with you in the days to come.  Last I have been entertaining the possibility of my own radio show and reality series episode.
I am also way behind on reading journals.  I promise to stop by soon, if I haven't already.
For now, here are some pictures from my life during the last month.
I got my hair cut, which I do two times a year whether I need it or not.
I went to the Yankee Game on the 4th of July with my husband.
I went to a party with my kids
My daughter Emily started a face painting business. Here is some of her art work.
And last but not least, I thought this was so cute.  My 20 year old son couldn't resist playing with the toys soldiers from one of the goodie bags at the party.  He didn't know i was taking this picture.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Don't Forget!

Well I returned from vacation, and am playing catch up.  I thought I would be ready to start getting back to J-Land on Monday, but my back log of work has been overwhelming.  Additionally I have three really big,  very exciting, projects going on in addition to my launching of the "Nice Matters" award.  I'm looking forward to sharing all of this with you very soon and catching up with all of your journals. 

Don't forget to stop by Magic Smoke today and vote!


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Just a reminder

I'm still on vacation, but I just wanted to give you a quick reminder to stop by at Magic Smoke and vote in the first wave of "Nice Matters" logos!
I will be on vacation till Monday July 21.  Hope your summer is going well.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Stopping by...

I'm still on vacation, but I just wanted to give you a quick reminder to stop by at Magic Smoke and vote in the first wave of "Nice Matters" logos!
I will be on vacation till Monday July 21.  Hope your summer is going well.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Pardon The Interruption

Just stopping by quickly to let everyone know I'm on vacation til Thrusday.  Wasn't able to post yesterday to let everyone know.

So now a comercial break:


Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Submission

I was out one afternoon shopping and I found some usual crayons that are made by Crayola. They are called Crayola Twistable Slick Stix.


Now I know I am 45, but crayons still fill my mind with fun and imagination.  I still love to color and so does my daughter.  I pulled one out of the package and tried it on a scrap piece of paper and tried the crayon out.  WOW.  It was amazing!  It was magic!  As I ran the crayon across the paper the line was so smooth and so vibrant I was in awe.  I knew my daughter Emily would be just as excited about them so I bought them.  When I got  home the whole family was at the table when I gave them to Emily.  Her reaction was just as I expected and my 21 year old son and husband were just as excited. 
A couple of days later I found a picture on my refrigerator.  It was so vibrant and it just captured my heart.  I left it there for a few days, but then had to put it in a safe place until I could get a frame as I didn't want it to get ruined.  My first thought when I saw it was that I thought it would make a great "Nice Matters" award.  Sooooo here is my submission.