Monday, July 28, 2008

Nice Matters Plans.

I am very excited to unveil the "Nice Matters" award that we will be able to share with our friends, families, co-workers, and perfect strangers.  We are all sharing in picking the final logo design which is very exciting to me.  By Thrusday August 6, 2008 we should have the final votes in and our Logo decided upon.

Once that is completed we can then start sharing the award. 

I am currently creating a certificate that will presented with the logo sticker.  There will be three options avaible to obtain copies of this award.

1.  Make photo copies of the blank award you were given and pass them on.

2.  Print out the award by visiting the web site (I'm creating it) and clicking on the "Nice Matters" Logo.  You can print out all the materials needed to create your own "Nice Matters" award presentation kit.

3.  Call, write or e-mail me to obtain a "Nice Matters" award package.  This is basically free of charge.  There will be a nominal fee to cover printing and postage.


Anonymous said...

Did you find funding for the project?  Just curious.  I am wondering how you will be able to make up "Nice Matters" awards packages.  Won't they be costly to you?  Okay, this is your personal business, LOL.  I just wanted to know if somebody liked the idea so much they decided to be an investor.  I was thinking it was a little bit of our business too, as we are all in this together!  Also, when we print ours out, do we do it on sticky paper, like sticker paper, so that they actually stick? If we did them on regular paper, they wouldn't be stickers.  Inquiring minds want to know! ;)  

Krissy :)    

Anonymous said...

Great job Rosemary.  What a nice thing you are doing.  I can't wait to give my first award out.  Actually, the first one should go to you my friend.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

such a wonderful thing you are doing, Rosemary; I think, like Joyce said, you should be the first recipient for your hard work and dedication to getting this going


Anonymous said...

it sounds wonderful rosemary, a great idea and lovely of you to do this, thank-you. take care mrs t xx

Anonymous said...

Sounds great.