Wednesday, January 30, 2008

and then there is this.....


Valentines day is on the way.  I felt this quote would find a way to touch just about everyone.  Those who are in love, those who wish they were in love, those who wish they weren't in love and those who have been scorned:


To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer. To suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy then is to suffer. But suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer, or suffer from too much happiness. I hope you're getting this down.

~Woody Allen

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I thought this was inspirational

John Gebhardt's wife, Mindy, said that this little girl's entire family was executed.  The insurgents intended to execute the little girl also, and shot her in the head...but they failed to kill her.  She was cared for in John's hospital and is healing up, but continues to cry and moan.  The nurses said John is the only one who seems to calm her down, so John has spent the last four nights holding her while they both slept in that chair. The girl is coming along with her healing.

He is a real Star of the war, and represents what America is trying to do.

God Bless all of our Men and Women serving all over the world.

James Gates U. S. Navy

The link below will give you an update on John.  He is now back at home with his family.

The link for Snopes:

Monday, January 28, 2008

A little about Me

I started this Journal/Blog back in June of  "07 to help people understand what Life Coaching is and how it works.  I also wanted my clients to be able to get to know me so that they could make an educated decision on whether or not they would like to work with me.

I hope those who stop here will find comfort, inspiration, hope, and love. 

It is rare that I post my personal beliefs about anything because in the spirit of coaching, what I think or believe is not important.  My job as a coach is to draw out your own thoughts and feelings that so that you can feel confident in the decisions you make.

I do however, on occasion post things that I find that inspires my spirit, in hopes that it will inspire yours as well.

I am thankful for this venue and the wonderful people that come to visit and post notes.  It is this encouragement that we offer to one another that makes me proud to be part of such a community.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's better to Give


I read Ravens Lament Journal today, Here is the link: 

She journaled on how important words are.  She "spoke" very wise words on the topic.

Then I received an e-mail  about Autism.  I work with children that are autistic and their parents on various occasions.  Many times they are wordless, which made what Raven said in her journal even more poingent and profound.

The e-mail asked me to click on a link and watch  a video about Autism.  I was told that everytime someone clicks on the link, the rock band "Five For Fighting" will donate .40 cents to Fighting Autism.  This is in fact true.

Please click on the link it will cost you nothing and you will hear some wonderful music  you will also help a wonderful cause

Here is the link:

If you would like to check out the Snopes back up here is that link:

Also, Please check out the Giving Tree.  It is a gift to J-Landers and a testimony to then as well.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Back when I started my Journal/Blog I posted a story about my daughter, son and friends and I.
The short version of the story is, I asked my daughter to do take a shower and she said, "I'll Try".
I responded with, "There is no 'trying' there is only doing"
One of my sons friends who was near by said, "I like that!  It sounds like something from a movie"

I smiled and said “No, it’s a personal quote used when there is no room for anything but action."


Last night I was watching Star Wars Episode V.  (My Favorite)  It features Young Luke's Jedi training.
Guess what I learned....  Yoda told Luke the same thing!  I had unwittingly stolen a quote from Yoda.  Who knew Yoda was a Life Coach, and a very good one at that!
Yoda is one of my favorite fictional characters because there is so much wisdom in whathe says.  I had no idea how much of an impact Yoda has had on me until last night, but it was truly an inspirational revelation.
Think about it in regard to your life.  What is it that you desire?  What is it that you need and want  most?  What are you doing to obtain it?  Are you trying or are you doing?

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Pen Is Mightier Then The Sword

The Pen is Mightier then the Sword
I was a very small child.   Come to think of it, I am a very small adult.   I learned at a very young age that if I ever got backed into a corner that there was no way my fists were going to get me out, and it wasn't my habit to carry a sword.
So, I learned that my words had better be able to do one of two things:
1. Keep me out of the corner.
2. Get me out of the corner.
Learning this required:
1. Learn when to keep your mouth shut.
2. Know your "enemies" better then anyone.
3. Stay Humble.
4. Kill them with kindness.  (this is a secret weapon, it totally disarms your opponent)
With this said, I have noticed that there have been some Jlanders that have been hurt by others words.
Here are some points to ponder:
1. Do they command your respect?
    A. If they have not earned your respect, how it possible that their words can hurt you?
    B.  If they have earned your respect is there truth in what they said that caused the hurt .
         (See #2)
2. Is there any truth to their word?
    NO?   Then why give them the satisfaction of entertaining them with a response?
   YES?   If there is truth in their words, then consider pondering them. 
              However, do not feel the need to respond to cruel remarks.
3. Consider cruel remarks from where they come, ignorance. 
   You can also use it as a case study of an opinion that is opposite your own.
4. Remember, you have the ability to control how you feel. 
In closing, we live in an amazing country that allows free speech.  Remember you have the power to inspire or destroy in your words.  You can be true to your thoughts and ideas while still respecting the rights of others. 
It isn't what you say, but how you say it!
Do not allow others to stifle your freedom, have faith in yourself and what you post!
Blessings and Happy Postings

Friday, January 18, 2008

I need a laugh

And I thought it would be fun to share it with you!


Just so I don't offend anyone, I am 100% Irish

A Mormon was seated next to an Irishman on a flight from London. After the plane was airborne, drink orders were taken.
The Irishman asked for a whiskey, which was promptly brought and placed before him.
The flight attendant then asked the Mormon if he would like a drink.
He replied in disgust, "I'd rather be savagely raped by a dozen whores than let liquor touch my lips."
The Irishman then handed his drink back to the attendant and said, "Me, too, I didn't know we had a choice"!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

You can't make this S&@#Up

Well, there are a new group of people I wanted to add to "alerts" and guess what?


Now this may seem ironic to many of you, however it might be good for you to know that I am 1/2 Murphy.

We all know Murphy's Law:

If anything can go wrong.... IT WILL! (my son bought my the day by day calendar for Xmas)

Now the funny part about this is... and we can add irony here as well, is that my sister took great pleasure, in Murphy's Law.  She took pride in the fact that she was 1/2 Murphy. 

She was so proud of this that, as she was dying, if someone apologized for something that went wrong, she took great joy in reminding everyone that cared for her she was 1/2 Murphy, and that it was not their fault at all!  (please laugh! It's funny!)

Sooooo, I will add you tomorrow.

Friday for me is usually Poetry day, so here is my offering:

Give Me Women, Wine, And Snuff
Poem lyrics of Give Me Women, Wine, And Snuff by John Keats.

Give me women, wine, and snuff
Untill I cry out "hold, enough!"
You may do so sans objection
Till the day of resurrection:
For, bless my beard, they aye shall be
My beloved Trinity.

Authors Note: I prefer Cigars

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thank You's and Dreams

I want to thank all of you who left notes of condolence.  I do not have a large family.  As a matter of fact, at the ripe age of 44, I am the matriarch.  Weird huh?  Because of this each note was quite meaningful to me and I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by and read my journal and post a comment.


So many of our Dreams at first seem Impossible.

Then they seem Improbable.

And then, when we summon the will, they seem Inevitable.

                           ~Christopher Reeve

Monday, January 14, 2008

A Tribute

My sister passed away January 9, 2008

We had been estranged for the last five years.  Five years ago, when I had to ask her to step out of our lives because her drinking problem had started to affect our lives, I felt more sperated from her then I do now.

We had my sister cremated immediately and then we had a quiet mass on Saturday morning.  I planned the funeral with some help from the spirit, and my sister. (yes AFTER she passed)  Her 8 year old Grandson Davis did the first reading, Emily sang the responsorial psalm, did the second reading and sang a blessing acapela.  The grandchildren brought up the gifts. 
I did her eulogy.  This by far was one of the most difficult things I had to write.  Not because of the pain of her loss, that pain happened long ago.  I also believe that she is more so with me now then she was when she was a live.   This was difficult because it was important to me to celebrate the beautiful person she was and still stay respectful to the deep pain she caused for those that were there paying their respects.  I was very worried, but in the end everyone felt that I stayed true to her life and respected their pain.   Below is a copy of her Eulogy in case you want to read it.

I could go on for a while about my sister, but I have strict orders to keep it under four minutes as there is a funeral following us.  My sister would take great comfort in the fact that Murphy’s law strikes again.


My sisters life wasn’t easy and she fought a lot of demons.  Many times those demons spilled over into the lives of those she loved.  But if you were one of the people that Kathy loved, you knew it.   Kathy’s love was abundant and visibly evident.


Kathy had many passions, but her first one was her most passionate.

When I was a little girl she introduced me to Ben, the love of her life, who I quickly adopted as a brother.   Even though they eventually came to the end of their rainbow, and parted their separate ways, there was never anybody else in Kathy’s heart.  She always loved Ben and respected the husband and father that he was, and is.


Her other passions included Reading, Television, the color Red, Smiley faces, rainbows, butterflies, music, pet names and phrases, writing and psychology.


If you were Kathy’s friend, you knew it, you most likely had a pet name, and she would usually use it at nausium.  She also knew what your passions were and was excited to share them with you.  In addition, if you were ever in need, she was there for you.


If you were someone Kathy disliked, she would have a pet name for you, use it at nasium, but it was usually imaginatively malicious.


Kathy’s greatest passion, and what she felt she was best at, was being a Mom.  Now, I know that many can debate this and all things are relative, but I do know that she and Ben produced four of the finest people I know. 


Kathy believed in not only allowing a child to dream, and believe in their dreams, she believed in doing everything she could to help them live their dreams.


If you wanted to be Wonder Woman for Halloween, she didn’t go the store to buy a pre-made costume. Oh no, she recreated a close to authentic copy of this from scratch, and then made sure it had a custom fit.  Even if this meant sneaking you into a hospital days after having back surgery that she was supposed to take months of rehabilitation to recover from.


She made sure you had movie star glasses, cork screw curls, fluffy dresses and told everyone that Shirley Temple was imitating you, not the other way around.


And when you created art, it wasn’t just a nice thing that you didfor her.  This was quality art work that deserved to be hung in a gallery and sold for top dollar to the highest bidder and she treated it as such.


She also made sure you had super man pajamas complete with a cape.  When you ran to her because you hurt yourself  running, she would comfort you and ask if you got hurt because you were running.  Then she would laugh when you corrected her and said “No, I was flying!”



No event was too large or too small for Kathy either.  She prepared for a two hour picnic or a christening party in the same way. 


Like she was preparing for a Nuclear war.


 A three hour picnic in the park required a full two days worth of preparation, we needed to make certain we had not only the food and beverages, but we needed back up food, changes of clothes, toys, books and wet wash cloths in plastic baggies to clean up with.


Kathy wanted to make sure that good times were not spoiled by lack of planning.


If my sister loved you, she loved the people you love.  I know she loved Rich and she bragged quite a bit about Dave and Ronnie and how fortunate her girls were to have met such quality people.  And NO GUY’S  I am not just making this stuff up!  She actually said these things to me!


She was also a very proud grandmother.  You can tell this by all of the pictures and drawings we found at her house of Davis, Mackenzie and Emerson.  These were abundant and you knew in her heart, she found joy in them.


Kathy and I shared a  different, and perhaps to some, a slightly irreverent view of death.  We truly believe that death is a wonderful beginning and something to celebrate.  She didn’t want people crying that she was gone, she wanted them rejoicing for her and where she was going.  She didn’t believe that she was leaving us.  She believes that she is simply transformed and with us now in a better and happier form.


Most recently she came to know Brendan, who called her Aunt Nana, and it was yesterday morning that Brendan expressed how I think many of us  feel about her passing.


I had brought over Dunkin Munchkins for him and his cousins and Brendan was running over to share them with them.  Uncle Dave jokingly grabbed the box and said that they were for him.  Brendan’s little shoulder drooped, his head sagged and he let out a deep sigh and just stood there.  He knew they weren’t gone, they just weren’t there anymore.  And this was sad.  It wasn’t something to have a melt down over, because there would still be munchkins, it was just sad.


Kathy isn’t gone, she just isn’t here any more.  This is sad.  Parts of her life were sad, But the beauty she held inside her, the spirit of love and giving she shared will always be with us and lives on now in her children and her grandchildren.


And now I save the best for last, as my sister was so fond of doing.  I will leave you with the lines from one of her favorite songs.  It was her belief that a childs spirit and imagination should be diligently nurtured.  The song was specifically about just that, however it always reminded me how Kathy saw the world.


"There are so many colors in the rainbow, So many colors in the morning Sun, So many colors in the flowers, and I see everyone.


Monday, January 7, 2008

Resolutions take planning

Did you make a New Years Resolution?

Most people I know didn't make a New Years Resolution this year.  When I asked them why, the answer was unanimous, they said because they never wind up keeping them.

Number one resolution is to loose weight, most people will fail. This is a truth across the board.  If you go to the gym this week, the gym will be so packed you won't be able to move.  If you go to the gym on February 7, it will have people in it, but you will be able to move easily. 

The problem with resolutions is that there is very little thought behind them.  You know what you need to do for yourself, and you have a good idea on how to do it, but more often then not you do not put any planning behind it.

Successful change takes planning and that is what we will focus on this month.