Monday, June 2, 2008

I'm in a mood

I know it isn't Friday.  As I said the next couple of weeks are going to be a "free for all" as far as entries are concerned as I have things coming at me from ever direction.  I thought this poem was a hoot, and well, to be perfectly honest, a most excellent idea.

IMG_1338.jpg humm drinking in a church image by thunder222

The Little Vagabond

 by William Blake.

Dear mother, dear mother, the church is cold,
But the ale-house is healthy and pleasant and warm;
Besides I can tell where I am used well,
Such usage in Heaven will never do well.

But if at the church they would give us some ale,
And a pleasant fire our souls to regale,
We'd sing and we'd pray all the live-long day,
Nor ever once wish from the church to stray.

Then the parson might preach, and drink, and sing,
And we'd be as happy as birds in the spring;
And modest Dame Lurch, who is always at church,
Would not have bandy children, nor fasting, nor birch.

And God, like a father rejoicing to see
His children as pleasant and happy as he,
Would have no more quarrel with the Devil or the barrel,
But kiss him, and give him both drink and apparel.


Anonymous said...

Very cute.  You ARE in a mood.  I loved it and laughed out loud.  Have a good week.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

Loved that poem and the picture looks so cozy and matches perfectly with the poem. I hope it's a good mood:)........alice

Anonymous said...

okay, I have got to know how to get that picture of the drinking friar


Anonymous said...

this was a hoot for sure!! is it a good mood or a bad mood? usually when I say I'm in a mood, it isn't pretty :)

take care of yourself


Anonymous said...

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes!  Wlm Blake, the "Dear Mother" poem THANK you for printing it, haven't read those verses in awhile, brings back mems.  XOXO CATHY