Thursday, January 17, 2008

You can't make this S&@#Up

Well, there are a new group of people I wanted to add to "alerts" and guess what?


Now this may seem ironic to many of you, however it might be good for you to know that I am 1/2 Murphy.

We all know Murphy's Law:

If anything can go wrong.... IT WILL! (my son bought my the day by day calendar for Xmas)

Now the funny part about this is... and we can add irony here as well, is that my sister took great pleasure, in Murphy's Law.  She took pride in the fact that she was 1/2 Murphy. 

She was so proud of this that, as she was dying, if someone apologized for something that went wrong, she took great joy in reminding everyone that cared for her she was 1/2 Murphy, and that it was not their fault at all!  (please laugh! It's funny!)

Sooooo, I will add you tomorrow.

Friday for me is usually Poetry day, so here is my offering:

Give Me Women, Wine, And Snuff
Poem lyrics of Give Me Women, Wine, And Snuff by John Keats.

Give me women, wine, and snuff
Untill I cry out "hold, enough!"
You may do so sans objection
Till the day of resurrection:
For, bless my beard, they aye shall be
My beloved Trinity.

Authors Note: I prefer Cigars

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Anonymous said...

I love the idea of being half Murphy.  It kind of explains away everything that goes wrong in our lives and leaves us our dignity some how...LOL.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

very true, in my world if it can go wrong it will! LOL but... if life ran smoothly how would we be challenged and grow strong? take car mrs t xx

Anonymous said...

I must be half Murphy as well! Have a wonderful day!  Phyllis

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Wondering how you can be half Murphy. I thought I was. LOL.
Hope the alerts get to working right, if ever they do. Half the time I get but a handful, am shocked when I get everybody I have on the list. Have an AWESEOME day.

Anonymous said...

Keep trying, hope you managed to get it to work.

Anonymous said...

Ah the story of my life. Either that or I have a habit of constantly being hard headed and learning things the wrong way.....I hope things have straightend out for you. After all 1/2 Murphy means at some time things have to bend in your favor (winks)! (Hugs) Indigo