Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What is keeping you from moving forward.  From taking that first step?  From having that life you know you deserve?

This says it all!


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm......Me wonders if you are speaking aloud here.... a matter of intospect if you will.



Anonymous said...

Have to add another entry here....

Yesterday when I looked at this, there was no video.   The space was only marked by a big space of vast emptiness.   in another words there was NOTHING there.

So, needless to say I thought "nothing" was the answer to your question.


Anonymous said...

Even when coming from a cartoon character such a "Rocky" the power of such words never weakens, never fades, always urging us to live our dreams.  Even in the face of mockery, defeat, self-doubt, weakness or disbelief, I know something lives within us far better than anything I now know.  To tap into such a place is to affirm life and all it means, whatever that may be.  Thanks, great post.  CATHY