Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Write It Down

You know what you want and you can see yourself doing it.  Write it down.  Remember the pen is mighty!  Make a commitment and put it down on paper.  Write up a game plan and include dates and deadlines!
The written word has power.  It concretizes our plans, gives a form of accountability, and furthers our belief in ourself and our desire.
Back to the house example:  Write down what it looks like.  How much do you want to spend?  How much money do you need to put down as a down payment? Where is the house?  How big is the yard.
You get the idea.  Write it down and put it somewhere you can see it and refer to it often.  You may decide you need to change it, or your picture may get more clear and detailed.  Either way, make the appropriate changes.  Imagine your delight when you are handed the keys to your new house and look back at the paper and realize you created your desire into fruition. 

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