Tuesday, September 25, 2007




I thought with the kids back in school and everyone getting back to a regular routine it would be a good time to talk about kids.

Throughout the years I have often been asked what mistake parents make most often, my answer:

Parents forget they are raising adults, not children.

If you treat a child like a child, he/she will grow up to act like a child.  If you raise your child to learn how to respond to various situations in an age appropriate way, they will grow to learn how good decisions are made.

For example, I know quite a few people who do not believe in giving their children chores. Their reasoning behind this is that they feel it robs them of their childhood.  Chores are a wonderful way of helping a child feel needed and part of the family.  In addition it teaches them responsibility and gives them a sense of accomplishment.  Chores help children grow into mature responsible adults.



Anonymous said...

Dang it...I'm the only person who did the poll.  I guess you know which answer mine is.  LOL
In my defense, I don't ask them to do chores, but the kids volunteer to help most of the time, anyway.  :-P


Anonymous said...

Is ones husband included in that mix???

Ive been treating my husband like an adult for years, but to this day he sometimes doesnt act like one.    When does that theory start to kick in??  Just curious.   lol

Brendan is just the cutest guy.   I miss him. :(  

Anonymous said...

Though I dont agree completely Rosemary, I agree with alot of this.  I knew a couple who decided never to use the word "no" in front of their child. Hard to do.  Impossible for others to respect this "experiment" of theirs, and such a disservice to a child, to deny it the right to understand "yes" and "no" how else will they learn about "maybe"?  Stay in awe of life, my friend.  CATHY