Friday, September 7, 2007

Down Wonton Down!

Me thinks the man in this poem begs part of his body to be more judgmental. 

Down, Wanton, Down!
  Down, wanton, down! Have you no shame
That at the whisper of Love's name,
Or Beauty's, presto! up you raise
Your angry head and stand at gaze?

Poor bombard-captain, sworn to reach
The ravelin and effect a breach--
Indifferent what you storm or why,
So be that in the breach you die!

Love may be blind, but Love at least
Knows what is man and what mere beast;
Or Beauty wayward, but requires
More delicacy from her squires.

Tell me, my witless, whose one boast
Could be your staunchness at the post,
When were you made a man of parts
To think fine and profess the arts?

Will many-gifted Beauty come
Bowing to your bald rule of thumb,
Or Love swear loyalty to your crown?
Be gone, have done! Down, wanton, down!

Robert Graves


Anonymous said...

O heavenly, thanks for lyrical words.  CATHY

Anonymous said...

Not often erections are written of so beautifully, with wit.  Wasn't sure it was ok to note this lol but I'll dare anyway.  CATHY