Thursday, August 14, 2008


Today at motor vehicle, as I sat waiting to hand in my paper work to have the "M" added to drivers liscence, I sat and watched the news and information ticker provided to keep you occupied while you waited.

One of the topics was (I couldn't believe it!) how to make a good decision!  LOL.. They were close... but missing a few things.  Check out Magic Smoke today.


Anonymous said...

Having the M added on to your license?


Anonymous said...

okay, I'm curious, what is the "M" for your license? Mature, married, monogamous, misinterpreted, misled???

that was a good entry on decision making!


Anonymous said...


Okay, that was an excellent entry at Magic Smoke, btw.


Anonymous said...

I would guess menopausal, but you are way to young!

Anonymous said...

OK, I want to know about the 'M', too... you, apparently, have a bunch of really NOSY readers!!!  = )   Going to check out Magic Smoke, now.


Anonymous said...

OK Rosemary...what is the M?
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

Coincidence?  I have a theory about things like that - a "thought" is no more aware of "time" the way our brains are, so why couldn't the thoughts of that Magic Smoke author have been transmitted to your subconscious at some point in time/space, and you picked it up?  Doesn't matter if it's past or future, how do thoughts experience time anyway?  Nothing is transmitted unless it is received, so physics tell us.  This must've happened to you before, I'd bet the farm on it.  xoxo CATHY