Tuesday, June 26, 2007

We all have a story

We all have a story.

Often I am asked what made me choose Life Coaching as a career.  Each of us has a story and the events of such, create who we are.  Perhaps, if you understand some of the challenges I have encountered you will be inspired to believe that you too can overcome any challenge.


To some, my challenges may seem overwhelming, to others, they may seem like run of the mill events.  I do not seek sympathy, nor do I wish to present that my challenges are as terrible as anything you may have experienced.  I wish only to share with you that I had challenges and that I used many of the techniques I share with you, to overcome them and become successful.


I was born in , my mother was 42 and my father 45 at the time of my birth.  This put us two generations apart, which caused a plethora of challenges.  At the age of four I was the victim of an attempted abduction.  At the age of 6 I was molested by my baby sitter.  When I told my mother she said I was a bad girl and that it was my fault. Two other times, at different ages, when I went to my mother with a similar problem, I was told the same thing again. I traveled between New York and Florida twice a year and I was required to change schools both times.  Keeping up with the different curriculums was difficult and eventually led me to be retained in the sixth grade.  In addition to this, being the new kid two times a year didn’t make me very popular.  I was the kid everyone loved to hate.  I was bullied, teased and beaten unmercifully.  Fortunately the beatings came less frequent then the names and teasing.


All through this, I knew there had to be something more.  I had a deep spirituality and knew that God was with me.  I didn’t grow bitter or angry.  Instead I attempted to understand others and become the kind of person the people I admired would be proud of.  As time moved on from sixth grade things changed slowly, I began to make friends, my grades improved and dreams began to manifest.  My accomplishments grew and so did the wonderful group of friends I developed.  One of my greatest accomplishments however was being able to offer help and love to those who had been cruel to me in the past.  This was a gift because I was able to witness their change of heart.  When someone understood me better their hate ended and was replaced with mutual respect.


This is a brief overview of some of the events in my life.  There were hard times, sad times and joyful times.  I wouldn’t trade any of them.




Anonymous said...

You have survived a lot and God has blessed you with a wonderful and loving heart for people.  I am thankful when I don't turn bitter because I know it is the love of God & Jesus working within me.  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Horrors that would make most people bitter and closed-off to life have instead opened your good heart and generosity of spirit, finding pleasure in helping those in need.  This is your triumph!  There's no "contest" when it comes to life's challenges, who had worse ones, etc.  Things happen when we're young and you either make it out or you don't.  You made it out alive, and not only that, you found something positive to take from it all.  The melange of myriad experiences in my own life could be labeled something like yours, but as I'm older I'm a bit more tired, perhaps jaded.  Your "Inspiration" is inspiring!  xoxo CATHY