Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Seduction: Step Three

Your last coaching assignment was to come up with a list of things that you are passionate about,  both in the past and present
Now that you have the list, lets go to Step Three:
Dissect the list.
That right.  Dissect it.  Pull it apart piece by piece. 
Look at each item on the list and describe it in detail.  Explain where you were, how old you were, what you were doing, where it happened, and why you enjoyed it. When did you stop pursuing it?  Most importantly describe how each thing made you feel and why.  This exercise should take a good amount of time too.  It could take weeks, but I will give you till next Wednesday. 
For now, let me give you and example of my own...
When I first did the exercise my list was abundant.  I will give you a brief list of the things that made me passionate when I was between the ages of 12-19.
~ Dancing
~ Kissing
~ Writing
~ Roller Skating
~ Reading
~ Travel
~ Going places alone
~ Meeting new people
~ Trying something new
~ Competing in Public Speaking
~ Acting
~ Swimming
I then dissected the list according to the guidelines above.
Here is one example.
Where was I?
I grew up in Florida.  It was always hot and there was water everywhere.  EXCEPT in my backyard!  Everyone had a pool except me.
How old were you?
This passion lasted until I was about the age of 25.
What was I doing?
Swimming anywhere and anytime I could.
Where did it happen?
Mostly in Florida, but whenever I went anywhere, I was the last one to ever leave the pool.
How did I feel when I was swimming?
I felt free.  No one was there next to me.  I could go underwater and everyone would disappear.  I was a very good swimmer.  It didn't matter how tall you were.  How heavy or skinny you were.  I didn't matter how pretty or ugly you were.  The only thing that mattered was if you could swim.  If you could swim you had control over yourself and your life.  There was freedom and control in the water.  It relieved not only the mind, but the body.  No matter how hot it was outside, it was always cooler in the water.  The overall feeling was relief and freedom.
Now its your turn.  Dissect!
Next Wednesday we will discuss Step Four.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah!  Yes, the take it apart thing.  I am far too good at that... sometimes I get stuck on this step when I think about why something hasn't worked out for me that I love to do.  I'm kind of doing that now in my life.  Psychologists would love my messed up brain.  LOL.  Hugs,