Thursday, August 2, 2007

So... What are you worried about?

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its problems....
It robs today of its strength.


Worry does not empty tomorrow of its robs today of its strength.

So... What are you worried about?

Here is a sample list of the worries that I hear from my clients:

~ If my car, house, yard, etc. is a mess people will think I am a slob
~ If I don't do al the household chores myself, nothing will be done properly
~ If I let someone else do the yard work, it won't be done the way I like it.
~ If I don't volunteer, no one else will, and it will never get done.
~ The bills!  The bills!  I can't pay the bills!
~ I worry that the kids will, come down with a horrible disease.
~ I worry that my spouse or the kids will have something horrible happen to  
~ I worry that the kids will be kidnapped or assaulted.
~ You worry that a disaster will befall your family, community, or country.
This is a short list.  I bet that many of you could come up with a list of 50 to 100 more things. 
Dealing with sorry can be handled on a worry to worry basis, and perhaps in the future we will handle some of the above subjects.  For now, lets take the list as a whole.  Use the simple suggestions below and apply them to whatever it is you are worried about.
* If What you are worried about will not directly effect your quality of life by denying you food, clothing, shelter or a healthy life style.  Forget about it!
* If what you are worried about may cause damage to your reputation, or to others opinions of you, consider if their opinion is really that important.  Perhaps they are not the type of people you need to be associated with.  Maybe they are narrow minded or prejudiced.
* If what you are worried about is safety or health related, take the proper precautions.  Learn as much prevention as you can, the stop worrying about it!
* If what you are worried about is failure in general consider the following.  If you do not succeed how much will you loose?  Will the experience be worth the education you gained?  How far can you go if you do succeed?  The answers may surprise you and move you forward.
Recap:  Plan, Prepare, Stop Worrying!

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