Friday, August 31, 2007


This poem made me wonder if this man had a very judgemental wife.  It also made me giggle.



D. H. Lawrence

Don't you care for my love? she said bitterly.

I handed her the mirror, and said:
Please address these questions to the proper person!
Please make all request to head-quarters!
In all matters of emotional importance
please approach the supreme authority direct!--
So I handed her the mirror.

And she would have borken it over my head,
but she caught sight of her own refection
and that held her spellbound for two seconds
while I fled.


Anonymous said...

::gigglechoke::  just like a man!!!


Anonymous said...

Next time my husband asks me to do something I will hand HIM a mirror.   Maybe he'll get the idea to do it HIMSELF!!

Interesting poem.    Actually, What I am deriving from this is that hes telling her she should be asking inward if she loves herself.   Thats what he meant by telling her to address the questions to the proper person and make all requests to head quarters..................

Thats my interputation of these words.


Anonymous said...

His wife, Frieda, did have a very dominant personality....I bet she LOVED her reflection, or at the very least, said she did. ~Mary