Monday, July 2, 2007



Aye, to be certain, you must be lost to find a place that can’t be found!

~ Captain Barbossa, Pirates of the Caribbean, At Worlds End


What is your reality?


You have done your homework.  You may seem more lost now then you were before you started.  Some of the questions you may not have answered.  Why?  Are you scared to death to face reality?  Do your answers scare you?


Are you more afraid to leave your reality or stay in it?  Is your reality comfortable and pleasant?  Are you content?  Does contentment suit you or do you want to live your life with passion?   Either is fine, as long as YOU choose it. 


Look at your answers to the questions from last Thursday June, 28.  Create two essays with your answers.  Here are the guide lines:


The first essay should be your current situation.  Describe it completely.  What is your life like?  What do you feel like in the morning?  What do you feel like when you are getting dressed?  What do you feel like when you are looking in the mirror?  What do you feel like when you are going to work, a party, church, lunch, dinner, the gym, the beach, add anything and anywhere you go or do.  Describe how you feel as you go about the various activities of your day.  Be as descriptive as possible.  Be honest.  If you are miserable, name it!  If you are content, say so.  If you are happy, claim it. 


The second essay should be about what your life would be like if you followed your dream and you jumped without a net.   Answer all the same questions. Include what your life will be like if you succeed the way you are dreaming of.  How wonderful will it be?  What will the pitfalls be like?  If you fail, what will be the worst case scenario?



If you arelost and confused you may be getting close to a turning point.  Fear may be the only thing blocking you.  We will cover that tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

what would my life will be like if I succeed the way I am dreaming of?  I'm visualizing a rainy walk to the market in England somewhere... :-D

Happy to have found your journal!!


Anonymous said...

Wow this is a very good topic...
Lisa : )

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have enough paper.  ;-)