Thursday, July 12, 2007

How Do I Keep Going? Part 2

How Do I Keep Going (Part 2)


What’s your poison?  Is it set back after set back, lack of faith, negative thinking from others, or worse, your own negativity? 


Finding The Antidote


Finding the antidote is relatively easy once you know what the poison is. 


If your poison is lack of faith try the following:


  1. Clarify your dreams.
  2. Question yourself about your desire in said dream.
  3. Analyze the reasons for your lack of faith.
  4. Find people who have realized their dreams and seek out their inspiration.


If your poison is set back after set back the remedy is as follows:


  1. Refresh your focus.
  2. Access your methods.
  3. Make adjustments if necessary.
  4. Surround yourself with people and objects that will keep you inspired.


If your poison is negativity from others:


  1. Avoid those people as much as possible
  2. Insist that others do not share their negativity while in your presence.
  3. If avoidance is impossibility, use the negativity as an inspirational tool.  Turn it around and imagine when you prove them wrong!
  4. Stay focused!  Do whatever it take to drown out the negativity.
  5. Don’t watch the news.  If at all possible, avoid the news.  It’s a downer!


If your poison is your own negativity:


  1. Read the book Taming your Gremlin by
  2. Surround yourself with things that will remind you of what your are working towards
  3. For each negative thought your think, force yourself to find two positive thoughts to counter act the negative thought. 
  4. Write down each time you have a negative thought during the day.  If you are a very negative thinker try to do this each day and challenge yourself to have less negative thoughts each day.  For example, start on a Monday;  Keep a small piece of paper with you and every time you have a negative thought make a mark on it.  At the end of the day count up how many marks you have on the page.  The next day, get a new piece of paper and do the same thing, but challenge yourself to have less thoughts. If on Monday you had 12 negative thoughts, challenge yourself to have 11 on Tuesday.  A key to success to this is setting yourself a goal and a reward if you reach your goal.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your post.  Very thought provoking!