Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Why Re-create The Wheel?

Rather then re-create the wheel I am going to share another excerpt from Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth" then bring Mondays entry and this entry together later on in the week.

"The outer  purpose varies greatly from person to person, and no outer  purpose lasts forever.  It is subject to time and then replaced by some other purpose.  The extent to which dedicating to the inner purpose of awakening changes the external circumstances of your life also varies greatly.  For some people, there is a sudden or gradual break with their past: their work, Living situation, relationships -- everything undergoes profound change.  some of the change may be initiated by themselves, not through an agonizing decision making process but by a sudden realization of recognition: so to speak.  It comes through awareness, not through thinking.  You wake up one morning and you know what to do.  Some people find themselves walking out of an insane work environment or living situation.  So before you discover what is right for you on the external level, before you discover what works, what is compatible with the awakening consciousness, you may have to find out what is not right, what no longer works, what is incompatible with your inner purpose.

Other kinds of change may suddenly come to you from without.  A chance meeting brings new opportunity and expansion into your lie.  A long-standing obstacle or conflict dissolves.  Your friends either go through this inner transformation with you or drift out of your life.  Some relationships dissolve, other deepen.  You may get laid off from your job, or you become an agent for positive change at your workplace.  Your spouse leaves you, or your reach a new level of intimacy.  Some changes may look negative on the surface, but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.

There may be a period of insecurity and uncertainty.  What should I do?  As the ego is no longer running your life, the psychological need for external security, which is illusory anyway, lessens.  You are able to live with uncertainty, even enjoy it.  When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life.  It means fear is no longer a dominant factor in what you do and no longer prevents you from taking action to initiate change.  The Roman philosopher Tacitus rightly observed that "the desire for safety stands against every great and noble enterprise."  If uncertainty is unacceptable to you, it turns into fear.  If it is perfectly acceptable to you it turns into increased aliveness, alertness and creativity."



Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great day!

Anonymous said...

very interesting....

Anonymous said...

looking forward to reading how it ties together

enjoy the day


Anonymous said...

I went to several stores to find the book and finally succeeded.   I read Chapter one and even went onto that massive web thing Monday night.  Vidoe jammed and that was that 1/2 hour into it.  : (
Won't give up though.

Anonymous said...

I at one time did have this intense fear (when I was uncertain, and didn't have everything mapped out in my life), but I believe I am getting somewhat better when I don't have a roadmap.  It is okay not knowing where some roads in my life will take me, and how not to define everything.  It is not as scary as I thought it would be.  part of that comes from relying on Jesus, and knowing that no matter what, He will take care of me.  I know I must just relax and trust.  Trust in the Lord.  Trust in the abilities that He gave me.  It is sometimes hard though.


Anonymous said...

Coming back to say one more thing. I am fascinated by the first paragraph.  The part that reads "before you discover what works, what is compatible with the awakening consciousness, you may have to find out what is not right, what no longer works, what is incompatible with your inner purpose."

I think it can be quite a daunting process to find out "what is not right".  If we don't really know ourselves, or perhaps have not taken the time to ask ourselves any questions, we just may not have the answers, and may have let years go by while floundering.  

I am also wondering WHY we do this.  Is it that we haven't looked at ourselves, or perhaps that it is more comfortable NOT to change, than to leave our comfortability?  Even though our situation could really be maddeningly uncomfortable (such as a bad work situation).  Perhaps a person hates his job but is scared to look for another one, b/c they lack self confidence.  So they stay in a horrible situation.  Just one example.

I am just wondering what holds me back from "discovering what works".  Is it really self knowledge, or fear of trying something new?  I think a little bit of both.

Thanks, Rosemary, for these fascinating and thought provoking exercises.  I wonder from my silly blog if anybody knew I was such a deep thinker, LOL!

Krissy :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, what a joy it would be to be 100% comfortable living with uncertainty.     Would be nice to just bump into walls, say..."Oops! That will leave a mark" and just move on.

Unfortunately Ive never been the type of person who enjoyed free falling.    "Jumping out of planes" has never interested me.

Wish it did.    It would have changed my life significantly.

Hugs :) Donna

Anonymous said...

no can't do uncertainty, i like to know whats going on and have everything organised and scheduled!! me = control freak!!!LOL I seem to live permanetly in fear of loosing control and yet can't seem to fully control things and i am always insecure have been since i was a teenager!! if i am uncertain where does the creativity come from? i am confused!!!LOL take a good shrink to unravel my contradictions!!LOL take care rosemary, mrs t xx