Monday, March 31, 2008

Resolutions Revisited

commitment.jpg Commitment image by SilverCyan

On Friday my post on Resolutions brought some interesting feedback.  Some were plugging along, some completely forgot, and others just didn't bother.

Martha from Perception asked me "how are you doing?"

That question spurred me to drag out last years written journal to see what resolutions I had made.  Right there I knew I had a problem!  I had an idea of what resolutions I had made, but I didn't know exactly.  That is a big downfall for most.  You do not keep focus on the prize.

This is the number one reason most resolutions fail.  When one fails to keep focus on the goal or desired change one tends to believe they can't stick to their commitment.

I would like to say right here and now your lack of success is not your fault!  You simply lacked the tools for creating change.  Change does not happen over night, nor does it happen simply because you made a commitment to do so.  It requires commitment, motivation and planning.  All of this does not happen overnight.

If you recall I commended Glenn when he made his New Years Resolution to stop smoking and didn't start the next day.  He waited and planned.  The resolution was only the first step of the desired change.

Once the decision is made to make a change it is then time to reflect on where your strengths and challenges lie in pursuing your desired outcome.

We all have something we want to change or accomplish, if you are currently working toward a resolution or if you haven't committed to some sort of self improvement I would like to challenge you now to do so.

I would like to invite you to take, or re-take the first step.


Consider what it is you want to accomplish and answer the following questions.  For best results you will want to write your answers down, perhaps start a separate journal.  A hand written one works well because you can take it with you and write in it at any time and any place.

~ Clearly state what it is you want to accomplish.

~ Why do you wish to accomplish this?

~ What will it feel like when you accomplish this?

~ Where do your strengths lie in pursuing this?

~ What will your greatest struggles and challenges be?

~ If you do not succeed in accomplishing this what will be the excuses you tell yourself to explain your lack of success?

Tomorrow we will cover step two.


Anonymous said...

Ah yes, goal setting and the plan. I think that's most people's biggest downfall, not having a plan in place. It would be great if we could change just by stating that we want to. It would be like getting in shape because we join a gym without actually going there, LOL! Martha :-)

Anonymous said...

Having never been one for New Year's resolutions, I am nonetheless very interested in change and am greatly looking forward to your insights and advice.  You are very inspiring. It was fun, too, to see that you listed your mood the other day as "ecstatic." I hope you will continue to experience that! hugs xox Sarah

Anonymous said...

OK my answer is way too long for here so I'm going to make an entry in my journal in answer to your question......alice

Anonymous said...

Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

I don't do New Year's resolutions. I may take resolutions any day of the year. Leaving that to one side, I haven't got any going at present.

Anonymous said...

Hello, My name is Gina. I stumbled across your journal today, and am glad that I did because this is exactly what I needed. My new year's resolution was to become a healthier, happier me in all aspects of my life.

I have to admit that I have done pretty well in making changes so far but there are days (like this one. lol) when I loose focus on the long term goals which is why I am glad that I found your blog today.

I will be making a journal focusing on your questions, and let you know what I found out about myself in the process. :D

Best Wishes

Anonymous said...

Great reminder, like Gina, I'll post this to my journal!  Thanks for sharing GF! :-)

Anonymous said...

those are great points to think about Rosemary; have to say at least I took the first step today with my resolution to lose weight I made for New Year's. I'm like Glenn when he said he was going to think about it and plan it out; just took me 3 months to think about it and plan it out and probably a gain of 5 pounds.

looking forward to reading step 2 tomorrow


Anonymous said...

great starting points just need to find time to look at them, there is too much i want to change and although i know it should be one at a time there just does'nt seem enough time to get it all done maybe that should be the first one time management...i used to be good at that, seems to have gone pear shaped in the last few months!! thanks for the staring points i will share them with my mum and sister who are just as muddled as me!!LOL take care mrs t xxx